Guitar pedals for recording vocals


New member
Just a random question: anyone ever tried using guitar pedals to do vocal recordings? I have seen some being used live before (most common being echo/delay pedals), but I thinking of experimenting out other pedal types.

Any suggestions on what might sound interesting?
pitchshifter/whammy(for pseudo ah qua voice impersonation), ring mod(for robo), envelope filter(for porn moan), kaoss pad(from reverse looping/normal looping to slicing/tremolo, various reverbs and loads of other quirky thingy) reverse delay with minimum repeats(pseudo backward masking)

Haykel from b quartet has been sampling his vocale via their effect guy when they played live, thru ring mod-ish effect which made his voice sounds like optimus prime at times.
Vocoders and Kaoss pads would be obvious choices in the industry. I'm just taking a look at pedals that is usually meant for guitars, stacking and switching as you would on a pedal board, but putting it into vocal context, since they are less obsure, more readily available and possibly are cheaper alternatives.

Some pedals I feel like trying (only a few I have tried):

overdrives - probably not very out of this world as compared to a vocoder, but sometimes just a slight coloration of dirt or drive from a Tubescreamer for example, can be interesting for recordings, I would think.

Would mean squat in live situations, though.

Distortion - Metal Zone sounds great on drum loops for sure. Gives a very industrial, NIN-like feel, heh. I have yet to find a good usable setting for vocals. Still trying.

Whammy - In fact, everything on Digitech Whammy seems like a great idea to experiment with, heh.

Auto wah - Less control than a normal wah, so less predictable. Which can be a good thing.

Loop Pedal - something I would definitely love to try and see what it is capable of, especially in live situations.

Maybe a bit of problem since the pedals' inputs/ouputs are 1/4" jacks as oppose to the mic's XLR. Nothing a proper adapter can't solve, though.

Of course, there's always this at Swee Lee, but I kinda think it's an overkill: DigiTech? Vx400
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bout the xlr to 1/4's mono for pedal, perhaps can improvise a bit on it.

Get an xlr cable, chop off one end, most like there be 3 cables, one ground and 2 signal wire. If wanna maintain the stereo thingy(instead of combining both into a single point for mono), solder the 2 signal wire to the 2 external tab on a 100k pot, the middle tab(output), will be connected to a 1'4 inch mono jack's tip.

the pot will act as a passive panner for the mic and the 1/4's mono jack can be use with any pedals most likely