Guitar Effects...


New member
Has any1 tried using guitar effects on Bass?

Like Boss delays? or wad?

How did it sound? or wad is the expected results?
as long as your sound source(geetar/bass/keyboard) is connected to the effect via the right cable and jack, there will be processed sound as expected. Output to input to output then to amp

The effect doesnt discriminate which instrument is being inserted at its input, it will just process the signal and pass it out to the amp(as long as using right cable and jack to connect. But whether does it sounds good or not, thats another issue.

Certain effect designed for certain instrument, but its not a must to use it as designed. As long it serve a purpose in the playing, mix matching is fine usually. Doesnt apply all the time, but sometime it works, in a specific context..
most basserists fear the loss of low end, so the manufacturers mod/brand some overdrive, fuzz etc pedals esp for bass to preserve the bass.
I've always liked to play around with my dad's guitar pedals.Well,if it works and sounds good,then go ahead and use it but if it doesn't then just forget it,lol.Go get something that's meant for bass instead.
In most instances a bass effect and are a guitar effect are almost identical. The most common difference is the input and output capacitors in bass pedals are usually bigger. This lets more bass frequencies into the effect and more bass out of the effect. You might loose a little low end using a guitar effect on you bass but it depends on the effect you are going for anyway.
i like ehx effects. they cover a wide tonal spectrum, and track a bass very well. the ones that i own, at least (currently: english muffn, small clone, previously: LBM, clone theory)

point to note, LBM didnt really track well enough for me, but its good enough for tons of people out there

i would fancy mxr pedals too, but not enough experience with them.
Buy Boss Pedal that have the word Bass on it. To be save. lol
many forum ppl here had experiment using many types of pedals on Bass guitar. Just select the ones which many ppl are using or commonly used. Couldnt be wrong. Use the monkey see monkey do if unsure. lol
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