Guitar effects on Acoustic amplifier


New member
I have a Peavey Acoustic Amplification System, a question to raise is that will anything crappy happen when i plug in my electric guitar, to an effects pedal, to the amplifier. Help greatly appreciated, thanks
It is probably because the effects im using is for electric, and i am going to put it into the acoustic amplifier, so im worried that something might happen. Probably, the electronics in the amp or the elec guitar blow or something.
nothing will blow.

what you wanna do, is just connecting sound(not electricity), to effect processor and to amplifer. In general, sound doesnt kill anything. It will just pass from one circuit to the other as long as your input to output to input is connected correctly.

Just be sensible in the volume. Dont turn up to loud volume if unsure of what will happen.

The acoustic amp doesnt care if its geetar, bass, acoustic geetar or even a game console(yes, i have connected psp, ds lite to geetar amp/bass amp, nothing blown yet), as long as the input match the output and output to input. The amp will ampliy. Whether or nor the sound is decent, thats another issue.
It would be fine. I have tried playing electric guitar with metal muff distortion pedal thru an acoustic amp and it still sounds good enough.
There is a blind busker who plays a Yamaha Pacifica through a Crate acoustic amp :)

Is he the one outside tamp MRT station? :)

And i dont think it will cause damage or something. Prolly a bass guitar to an acoustic amp would.