I've heard my fair share of stories as well, so at this juncture I just really want to see something in black and white. The matter's quite clear after 4 pages that the issue is looking for solid proof. In that light, anyone else with more "stories" from their friend, teacher, classmate, brother, mother, father, auntie, little bird, maid, grandmother, girlfriend, boyfriend, gayfriend, cat, dog, terrapin, karung guni man, toilet cleaner, baby cousin, step cousin, illegitimate children, mistress, etc. that don't have any solid proof needs to just keep quiet.
If the accusers can't produce proof, you owe GC a major apology and then this thread needs to be locked. You've thrown down the gauntlet, don't play evasive once it's been picked up. If you have proof, let's see it. And then this thread still needs to be locked.