New member
Reputable my ass. GC is a farking jackass shop. Few months ago i got my Fender Custom Shop 57 strat over there for a pickup selector job (weird sounds produced when switching). I said i wanted a switchcraft selector. That kelvin guy say: "I'll do swee swee for you confirm chop".
Cut the story short, FARK that Kelvin. Tested at the shop after completion, i felt the tone was kinda different so i asked him. He say: "where got. No difference." C'mon i played this axe for 4 years you think i stupid? I asked him to open up the pick guard for me to inspect the circuit inside. He gave a dickface. To my horror, i realize he swapped out my us vintage pups for some idunnodumbchinafarkpups. Lucky i took pictures of the original stuff inside before i send for servicing. I confronted him and he say no such thing. Kept denying until i got no choice.
I can tell you for a fact there was no 57 custom shop fender that came in for repair. not even a year. prove your claim.