Guitar cables

Wah Seh.. The Canare cables aren't cheap man.. How much does TYMC charge for a normal length cable with Neutrik plugs?
Wow, the Canare cables are only $3 more than the lousy regular coloured ones?Damn. I wish I had been aware of them. Just to confirm they only cost $5 at TYMC? Has anyone had any experience with Dimarzio patch cables? The back of their heads can connect so it takes up less space on your board.
Wah Seh.. The Canare cables aren't cheap man.. How much does TYMC charge for a normal length cable with Neutrik plugs?

lol if canare is ex , then what about analysis plus cables lol
oh ya this one also tested and proven, u don't believe u can pm me i send u demo. Proel cables made in italy is better than canare Gs6, Gs6 the sound very not defined compared to proel and lacks the trebles. The thing is proel cable is cheaper. I got it from luther music.
Wow, the Canare cables are only $3 more than the lousy regular coloured ones?Damn. I wish I had been aware of them. Just to confirm they only cost $5 at TYMC? Has anyone had any experience with Dimarzio patch cables? The back of their heads can connect so it takes up less space on your board.


Less space than flat "pancake" style plugs?
Proel cables made in italy is better than canare Gs6, Gs6 the sound very not defined compared to proel and lacks the trebles. The thing is proel cable is cheaper. I got it from luther music.
Hey, i have proels too, but they're softer and not as robust as canare gs6.. my proel started to tear at the plug ends, that was a 5 year old cable though, i think i'll just restrip and resolder to fix that, but.. the difference really that great?

I'm currently using the vox coily cables from city music, I know that 9 meter cable affects my sound in a certain way, not sure what, but it tames my air zone humbucker but my neck air norton pickup is a bloody piece of mud.. good for bluffing people when "shredding" or "sweeping" cause it gives the "bloooooooopp blooooooopp blooooooop" sound.. nobody knows i'm not actually playing any read notes there.. shhh!!!

my canare and proel cable is about 3 yrs both working fine. To me the diff is very big, if you want just pm me, can add u on msn and i'll send u the demos that i've made best is hear it for yourself.
hmm now i know why john petrucci also use air norton for neck lol. I've got to get 1 too for my next guitar
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oh, nah. it's ok, i'm not that a control freak to flip out on how cables affect my tone.. all i do is change to dimarzio 500k audio taper pots and an orange cap for my tone knob to control the treble, which is sufficient for me.

jp changed his air norton to liquifire now. it's less bassy, more middy, so not as muddy. i like my neck pickup muddy though.. sounds like a wind insrument when i do volume swells, while my bridge pup gives a more string vibe.

ah well, so many other things that affects tone more than cables. ya know, if you have lots of money, i'd advise you to get the line6 g30 relay wireless system, or something in that series. i'm sure with how it works, you're getting absolutely 100% acurate reproduction of what your pickup signal is sending at the guitar jack, right to the reciever on the other end. don't like it so bright? just pop in the 5m or 10m cable simulator, it's actually some sort of high shelf filter, but it does give some options other than the "exact reproduction" default.
ok I've got a whole lot of cables now, canare Gs6 cable, proel cable, bullet coiley cable, core X2 Diy cable from the GK 20, Core X2 professional instrument cable. If you want a sound demo, add me on msn or pm me, I'll send u the demo.
in my opinion.
Canare Gs 6 really cannot make it very muffled and lacks treble. Proel is the cheapest among all the cables but it has reasonably good tone, it has bass and trebles however the bass is a bit muffled. Bullet coiley cable works very well with single coil guitars really brings out the character even more, it has somewhat like a mid range cut erm like the position 4 of a single coil strat good for clean sounds. The Core X2 Diy cables is somewhat like the bullet but more trebles and mid range. The Core X2 professional instrument cable has somewhat the same character as the canare GS6, but the bass and mid range defination is much much much better so much clearer, it has a treble cut so it sounds warm, very good cable for those lead guitar solos with distortion.

to all cable freaks I hope this helps. (more to come next yr)
do take note that for all this cables mentioned, a big part of the difference in tonal quality, other than the characteristic/capacitance or whatever sorta material, shielding method of the cable itself, part of the equation of the overall sound heard, also depends on the characteristic of the instrument, pickup config(single coil, humbucker, p90s), pot value/quality etc and of course, the voicing of the amp which is being used.

Lastly, what kinda frequiencies one is hearing with the above criteria of the instrument, will also have to take into consideration of the preferences of the amplified instrument.

For some cableS fun, try using different geetars with different configs, but same amp. There can be differences from within as well.

Oh yeah, another thing to try out, with the different cables, same instrument, record direct into daw, without any amp simulation, cab simulation etc and compare it. Might have some findings as well.
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i'm just gonna get teh 1337 relay g30 from the citymusic sale.. solves many problems.. full spectrum guitar signal into whatever ftw!! can buy 100 meters of canare with that! but it only gives me 33 meters! ah what the heck
do take note that for all this cables mentioned, a big part of the difference in tonal quality, other than the characteristic/capacitance or whatever sorta material, shielding method of the cable itself, part of the equation of the overall sound heard, also depends on the characteristic of the instrument, pickup config(single coil, humbucker, p90s), pot value/quality etc and of course, the voicing of the amp which is being used.

Lastly, what kinda frequiencies one is hearing with the above criteria of the instrument, will also have to take into consideration of the preferences of the amplified instrument.

For some cableS fun, try using different geetars with different configs, but same amp. There can be differences from within as well.

Oh yeah, another thing to try out, with the different cables, same instrument, record direct into daw, without any amp simulation, cab simulation etc and compare it. Might have some findings as well.

I've tested with diff guitar diff amps also.
But the demos that i have i use my 3 single coil guitar with neck pickup into my native instrument audio interface into cubase studio 5. no amp simulator no nothing, then I just switch the cables. The only variable that is diff is the cables, all other things and settings all the same, and that review is based on that test.
i'm just gonna get teh 1337 relay g30 from the citymusic sale.. solves many problems.. full spectrum guitar signal into whatever ftw!! can buy 100 meters of canare with that! but it only gives me 33 meters! ah what the heck

I've yet to test wireless system vs cables. should test someday
" But the demos that i have i use my 3 single coil guitar with neck pickup into my native instrument audio interface into cubase studio 5. no amp simulator no nothing, then I just switch the cables. The only variable that is diff is the cables, all other things and settings all the same, and that review is based on that test. "

ok, thats good yeah. Heh, to make things fun and interesting, instead of the usual comparison of sound clips of different cables, can have a blind test instead. Post the clips and see which are the one that listener like most, instead of looking at which brand of cable can have this or that tonal quality with your setup. End of the test, will be consolidation of result and then reveal which cable is which soundclip.

Just though it be interesting to see the result for the listener,when not knowing the brand of cable, but still possible to listen to sound objectively, without associating certain brand of cable to certain characteristic, according to your setup.