music choices, doesnt dictate cable choices, preference of sound chanracteristic, knowledge of brand(internet gear forum worshippers) and how much money one has, can have a bigger impact. There are way too many music which geetarers prolly wont listen or like or having any geetar instruments in it. If music choices affect cable choices, music with no geetars prolly will suffer.
As for the different kind of cable which accentuate certain frequencies, might not be that, but just that the previous cable is hindering what we should be hearing in the first place. The so called purest of geetar tone that some love so much.
That said, isnt it interesting as well, how some cables seem to accentuate different frequency band and that how much of these so call "tone" is actually the actual tone of the instrument without any colouring from cables to quality of plug, effects and so on. After all, lotsa geetarers like to talk about tone so much, just wondering how much tone is tone, with plenty of things that can put in these colours.