Guitar build for smashing

the perfect geetar to play real music on while smashing the real deal ________(fill in the blank with your favourite fanboys geetar brand) guitar!!!.

The above aint poseur-ish, its the real deal, cant get any further than that! Ask ourself deeply, are we real enough??
hmmm yea cant to think of it..... yea this would make a great guitar for a music vid... u know like for posthardcore/emocore during the breakdown thats the most purrfect time to smash this guitar....
hehe, all in the name of performance. Only difference being the neko cost way much more then a smash geetar.

and of course, the fella who did it(as in the video) is already of certain status. If any mortal being like us doing it, then yes, its a waste..
What can i say? The Japs have to be the most innovative (in a weird way) people in the world. For 80 bucks i'd rather get a TGM and smash that. Those deserve to be smashed anyway IMHO. Then again i might just pick one up and see just how fun it is.

Then again, imagine this thing becoming a phenomenon. People getting addicted to smashing guitars. DAMN. Hmmmmm........might be good to round up a few of those people to help me in my campaign to rid the world of crappy TGMs tho. Ahaha.

Btw i'm just digressing after a long day. Take my comments on TGMs with a hell lotta pinches of salt yeah? Then again.............

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