Guess what i saw in my kitchen

ixora05 said:
I'm sadistic too then. I wanna watch your carnivorous fish being fed man. so fun.
wanna keep them too? its real fun, haha...only thing is those feeder fish are pretty expensive on the long run, but its still waaaay cheaper than those people who smoke. Its not sadism lah, everyone needs to eat to survive...if this goes on, there will be veggie rights(i saw it on nickelodeon :lol: )...the spider eating lizard wasnt too bad lah, haha...last time i keep lobster, it catch the goldfish, eat the body, leave the head, and the head was still breathing! eeeeww..
Oh now that IS gross. and all the fish I keep seem to DIE so yeah I cannot keep fish. I need something that's harder to kill. like my terrapin. i give it live worms sometimes. it's quite funny to watch it eating the worms. like spaghetti.
ixora05 said:
Oh now that IS gross. and all the fish I keep seem to DIE so yeah I cannot keep fish. I need something that's harder to kill. like my terrapin. i give it live worms sometimes. it's quite funny to watch it eating the worms. like spaghetti.
hey whats your tank size and does it have a filter running? If the dimensions of the tank are at least 2feetX1footX1foot, u can keep some carnivorous fish like Bichirs(while they are still young), and oscars. In fact, if u keep smaller bichirs eg. Polypterus senegalus or polypterus delhezi, they will do fine in a 2foot tank, while providing you with constant killing of feeder fishes for your entertainment! haha...Oscars are cichlids(think luo han), and they are pretty fierce too. heres my bichir gallery...the site is down for a few minutes though..
Haha I don't have a tank. I used to have a very small one to keep one fighting fish. that was the one that died. we used to keep guppies too but they all died. hehe. the tank had no filter and one air pump so that might've been why they died. *before you kill me, they weren't my responsibility and everyone ignored my requests to put a pump in*
actually want a dog, heh. not that keen on fish. just think it'd be cool to watch 'feeder' fishes get eaten. -okay i'm sadistic-
because that is REALLY wrong...goodness. i can't even dissect a live frog in Bio class. when my class had to do that I nearly died.
guess wat... my frens saw a cockroach at the prata house... and killed it and put inside the sugar container... shhhh... LOL!
you guys are getting Reaaaaaaaaaaaalllllllllllllllllllyyyyy wrong.

jerry! you'll cause the shop to close down and ppl to lose their jobs! how could you!
OMG YUCK. you will cause the next people who use the sugar container to like die of a heart attack. but it would be damn funny. heh.
OH YAH OH YAH. Just a warning for all prata-lovers. This has nothing to do with insects but everything to do with gross-ness.

There's a prata stall at Upper Serangoon Road near the Wee Lee jamming studio and the vegeterian snack house. DO NOT EVER ORDER CURRY THERE.

The story of the prata curry: Apparantly, people I know have seen the stall owners take the plates of half-eaten curry from the table and dump it back into the pot, only to serve it again to other customers. Oh gosh I so wanna puke.

The story of the paper prata: My friend ordered paper prata, its supposed to come with sugar, it got coated in ajinomoto instead. MSG prata. WOW.

Okay. Moral of the story, don't go there.

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