GT2 buzz like shittttt


New member
today was a kinda bad day.
my outdoor gig was terribly hot, damn the weather.
my signal chain was ok all along all these months.
then today got buzzzzzz.....
after much trouble shooting we found out that GT2 was the culprit?
any idea wat went wrong there?
another suspect is the amp , as in, ...compatibility?

anybody with the same problems before?
not battery, not the 1spot either.
when i run the guitar-gt2-amp, the buzz was there, thats how i came to conclude the gt2 is the culprit.

no the prob doesnt happen back at home now..

so sianz...
TheBreed, you gotta describe your signal chain in greater detail... tell us your setup, order of pedals, how many power supplies used, what amp...

I would think its the power source that is at fault but need more details from you first...
could be a florescent lamp or something..since at home seems ok...

anyway ...i dun really get wat Bzzzz that feedback or something else?? :smt017

initially i tought adapter polarity kinda issue..or ur guitar grd is busted ..:)

how abt other band ..ant Buzzzz...????