Green Day hit with lawsuit

If Green Day did *somehow* used the melody...why wait 2 whole years then file a lawsuit...obviously if he *was* the one who had the original melody, he wanted to see if American Idiot was a success...had it failed...he'd have laughed his ass off...which obviously isn't the case now...
Let's have an example...

I have one or two tracks which are now being processed for a fashion show. They are unpublished tracks so there bound to be some folks whom I have sent it out for "trials" and "suggestions". In the process, somehow the tracks get circulated and some famous artiste alter the key of the chorus, with the same tempo and rythmn, recorded it on his/her CD and put it out as his own. (Not forgetting on his CD it states the copyright disclaimer, and does the copyright belongs to him in the first place?)

I found out, hence I wrote to the record label and the artiste, requesting them for the necessary actions. Be it take out the track totally, or show some form of credits, or share the profit from the sales of their CD. If they are willing to compromise somewhere, fair enough.

But over 2 years, they refuse to bulge to my request, which I written to them out of courtesy. This is because to simply pluck someone and sue them, it's a little aggressive so I can say it's out of courtesy that I write to them first rather than act aggressive right from the start. After 2 years with nothing heard, do I not possess any right to commence with legal action?

Go figure. :D

Oh, just to add on to that... If you had mis-use and infringe the rights of some famous stars, the chances of them writing to you in a courteous manner is probably 0%. They would have sue the shit out of you on first attempt.

i just find it funny, back in 1992 , if anyone who would write a song that its nine minutes long of power chords. i think its just doesnt make any sense. :o
gabee said:
i just find it funny, back in 1992 , if anyone who would write a song that its nine minutes long of power chords. i think its just doesnt make any sense. :o

If it goes unpublished, would you know? :lol:

there are so many ppl writing songs out there. my song could be some hit from the eighties... i doubt he'll win.
If the composer don't sue you, of course you are safe. :)

Even if I re-write or re-mix The Rolling Stones even though their tracks dated back to 1970s in their younger days, it is STILL copyright infringment.

Moral of the story: respect copyright of the owners. You wouldn't want me to bull my way into your house would you? It's your house, isn't it? It's your property, isn't it?

It is saddening to see even music makers (put Green Day aside...) do not respect the copyright of other music composers. :?

i think that guy is just trying to talk shit because greenday is famous. anyone could have pulled it off as long as he has nothing better to do
I wrote the whole of Simple Plan's second album...

Actually, any of us could have written that...

Green Day's too..

Hey you ain't be crackin yo nuts up mah shizzle, foo'!

Okie nuff of that... I wouldn't be surprised if the kid won the suit though.. Knowing it's America...

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