Great Pickups for Metal


New member
As stated, any recommendation?
I would like to upgrade my guitar,
i would like the pickup to be very good at squealing and i can make very nice harmonix.

i only wanna change the bridge pickup is that advisable?

And where's a good place to have them changed?
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Do think about what amp or pedals you are using 1st before thinking of changing pickups.
EMG-81 with 85
Seymour Duncan Blackouts or super distortion
Tesla actives at standard value

just to name a few
All this talk about amplifiers.. It's not wrong, but remember you won't be using the same amplifier at home and in the studio. If you are recording, your tone in the studio is a lot more important than your tone at home.

Pickups DO play a role, but a very minor one. Which is why I haven't changed my stock pickups. They sound good. I don't see why I should splurge on expensive pickups if my and pedals alone can get better tone.. So yeah, personally, I would consider the E.Q. settings and pedals instead, and pickups as a last resort. No offense to others, but I don't find spending $100 on just a pickup worth it if I can achieve better tone by other means.

My $0.02.
Old thread reviving it,

Does the evolution neck and bridge sound good with a H-H Ibanez RG?
Meaning the lack of the middle pickup which is supposed to be the single coil Evo
Hi bro, just my suggestion, have you tried this - DimeBucker, my thought it might have the exact or slightly similar to DimBag's pickups.
Personally, i find SD pups severely over-rated, I'm not saying they're not good, but kinda over-rated, do look into other brands such as dimarzio and EMGs as well. And yes like what the other have said, always consider your amp/amp settings/EQ and other alternatives such as getting a good distortion pedal that would stay with you in the long run.

If all else fails, then start looking for decent pups and go from store to store trying the diff pups fitted in them.
"always consider your amp/amp settings/EQ and other alternatives such as getting a good distortion pedal"

True. I'm still using the stock pickups on my low-end Ibanez, even after all these years, and they haven't failed me. In fact, I used it for a performance, too. They sound good and most of all they're reliable.

Spend more on the amplifier and pedals or multi-effects processors if you're using those. And of course, play around with the tone controls. Nothing will sound good unless you use the tone controls to get the tone of your liking. It can really make the difference. Heck, I can get really nice tones out of my Line 6 Floor POD while many people complain that it (and many other multi-effects processors out there) has poor tone!

No problem reviving this thread, because sooner or later someone's going to start a new post asking a question very much like this one. :twisted:
Old thread reviving it,

Does the evolution neck and bridge sound good with a H-H Ibanez RG?
Meaning the lack of the middle pickup which is supposed to be the single coil Evo
I find it hard to control the Evolutions. I think they sound kinda weird with normal setups. If u're doing power chord chugs and normal solos (not 543646326bpm dragon force solos or vai / satch instrumentals), you'll regret fitting the evos into your guitar.

Just my 2 cents though.. Had mine swapped out 2 weeks after i installed them. I went for the tried and tested Tone Zone instead.

Having an Air Norton and Air Zone now in my Pacifica and they're great for a lot of applications. from cleans / jazz / blues / rock / metal / u2-like ambience / nonsense shredding etc. Or maybe that's because I spend much time tweaking my Pod X3 Live? :twisted:

This one?