govt finally recognises local music


New member
you guys heard that mediacorp radio is gonna open a station solely dedicated to local music of all genres? cool shit man i cant wait for the official opening...u guys got any info abt this?
I seriously doubt it too. Haha. I don't think I'll ever hear metal on radio. And I'm not talking about nu-metal or whatever.
Madeline Tan used to dj a radio show with lots of local stuff.

So far everytime a dj plays stuff that their bosses don't like they get shut down.

The problem is getting sponsorship and advertistments.

And the low number of listeners as there's not britney spears or boys playing the same song 50 times a day for the teenopop girls who want to dedicate to their teenopop friends saying stay cool and funky when they have no idea what funk means or who george clinton or even prince is.

I remain cynical till the government proves that they will strongly back this move. I am very pleased with the increase in arts in the recent years with the building of the esplanade but we shall wait and see what they will do with the airwaves and television.
i think they actually gotta take in whole poop load of recordings to start this station cos imagine a fulltime local fm only has like what. 100 local songs the most to play? divide each song average 5 minutes.. hmm.. looks likely not gonna last.. i think the money's better off investing in a nice place for gig-organising. low rent and no genre more DIY organisers get their stuff goin for bands who need exposure. well, we'll see how.

Whether there is going to be a radio station dedicated to local music of various genre will be the decision of particular radio stations and their management. While the government has always been pro talents, the micro level execution is left to decisions at the ground, who will then have to justify the use of resources against the possible outcome.

Honestly, after trying very hard to nudge local bands upward with government resources, I still find the support for local bands and their music more lip service than anything concrete. I can probably sum this up in a sweeping manner, "besides Dream Theatre, Placebo, King Of Convenience etc...AND MY BAND, nobody else is worth watching or listening to.". Can we have a vibrant local music scene?

Second.. Do we have enough of materials that can honestly go on air and fill up every second of a dedicated channel? I did my sum and found that not feasible, at least for now.

So, a dedicated time slot may be the most likely thing that will happen instead of a dedicated channel.

I am hopeful. But how to get a community to wake up and be proactive is our biggest challenge. The window to tap on government resources to help this community cannot be left openned forever. Someday it will have to review its priority and redirect the resources to something else deemed to be more in demand. I only hope the community will feel the urgency if it really wants to ride on the tide and get moving.

theblueark said:
I remain cynical till the government proves that they will strongly back this move.

I share the same opinion.

But i do know some really passionate people who organize and genuinely want to developement the local scene long term.

We should give these people our full support cuz god knows they aren't getting paid alot.
well RIA channel do play metal/ screamo on air.
I feel that if the channel has poor response then they wont probably play that. it's like asking 933 to play all the oldies song and by then, their listeners would all turn away and stay with other station right?

it's about marketability i guess.
The scene cannot rely on government resources forever. But a major problem now is the underexposure of the local scene. The problem is that many Singaporeans do not know of any music outside of the 98.7 and chinese pop pop pop pop music. Because that's all they've been exposed to.

It was the same with the arts scene. 10 years ago how many people actually went to watch plays, or musicals, or dance. In the days of old Led Zepplin was even banned from coming to singapore because they had long hair. But now with the opening of the esplanade, just a few minutes walk from city hall, people can comfortably and simply go to watch these. They are exposed to adverts and banners showing the colourful and wonderful world of plays and art. The government has done well in this area. Heck, we even have terrific performances at Libraries and the Art Cafe.

If the government backs this new idea with enough funds to sustain it in the times of low advertiser sponsorship and listeners, I forsee the following:
1. More bands will realise that their music WILL have a chance of being aired, and get their act together to seriously record.
2. More people will start listening to local stuff and realise "hey we actually have some really good bands!" They tell their friends.
3. Each will lead to more of the other. 1 --> 2 and 2 --> 1.
4. Once it reaches a certain level, then advertistments and big companies will come in with funds and self sustainment.

However the starting is always the hard part. Companies will always want to wait and see, and play safe and advertise on the more popular stations first. I only hope that enough funds will be pumped in to sustain it while nature takes its course and creates a vibrant music scene.
Go the Arctic Monkeys path - internet, do gigs, give out cds. If you're good, probably you will develop a following. Don't always say government don't support this and that la, coz government also got their own policies to take care of. It takes time for the Singaporeans to open up to Singapore bands - I see it somewhat improving already.

As Mr Heartrock has put it, bluntly we don't have enough credible bands and locally produced credible music for this to be sustainable.

Nextly is the mindset of the local consumer, if there is no credible demand for this, how to expect the supply to improve. So this and the first point goes hand in hand. Both must be hand in hand. How do you expect to justify blowing S$50,000 of people's money for a people's gig just for like 30-50 strong audience. It's ridiculous, but it's happening all the time. Where are all the supporters of local music when you need them?? Just paying lip service?? Oh, I am too busy with the busy Singaporean lifestyle?? The 5 C's??

Lastly, why are we even talking about spending government or should I say the people's money for such thing. The government, should be only so, governing. Which means, simply approving credible plans to improving local music scene, with least financial intervention.

The idea that if I want to improve local scene, the first thing I think of, is ask the government to gimme all the money to do it. That's NOT right at all.

The right way is to think of self-sustainable plans to submit for approval, then to exacute the plan, with determination and perserverance.
A radio channel solely dedicated to local music is abit too much I think. Unless that radio channel is multi-lingual then its a feasible idea. If not I doubt we have enough english materials to last one day. What we need to do is to follow our neighbour's policy and that is to play at least 1 hr of compulsary music from local talents for every 4 hr shifts. That way its for sure that local music will get heard and that local talents will be motivated to write. improve and record their materials..
in some ways we dun benefit from anithing ...
we still gonna fork out cash...
locals on radio??....4real??? all genre??

maybe yes for some local members...
but all genre???
i think not..

you dun here radio stations playing
caliban,lamb of god,trivium...

the only channel i here that plays metalcore,metal and some rock stuff
is at Ria (Rock Ria Rock) for those who dunch knoe, its a malay premixed with english songs channel...I even heard dyna turmoil's original being played...

if thay would come out something like that for all genre's...

i think its gonna be a top radio channel...maybe not top lah..but listenable..

so much for city of music and arts...

Its amazing to see quite a few very passionate to bring up the name of local music. I personally think its not just the support. The bands should have the initiative to write proper music, with sustainable quality and acquire alot of contacts independently. This way, the support will grow, respect earned, market widened and then comes the possibility of putting radio stations or shit like that. When support is high, quality of bands is high, then it would reach international waves, and that way the local music will rise. I am not expecting this to happen within the next 5 years, but it will grow. I strongly hope the bands in Singapore will do their best in whatever they do and will succeed to become recognized throughout the world. We must never quit for the thing we love the most, and that is MUSIC! 8)