As Mr Heartrock has put it, bluntly we don't have enough credible bands and locally produced credible music for this to be sustainable.
Nextly is the mindset of the local consumer, if there is no credible demand for this, how to expect the supply to improve. So this and the first point goes hand in hand. Both must be hand in hand. How do you expect to justify blowing S$50,000 of people's money for a people's gig just for like 30-50 strong audience. It's ridiculous, but it's happening all the time. Where are all the supporters of local music when you need them?? Just paying lip service?? Oh, I am too busy with the busy Singaporean lifestyle?? The 5 C's??
Lastly, why are we even talking about spending government or should I say the people's money for such thing. The government, should be only so, governing. Which means, simply approving credible plans to improving local music scene, with least financial intervention.
The idea that if I want to improve local scene, the first thing I think of, is ask the government to gimme all the money to do it. That's NOT right at all.
The right way is to think of self-sustainable plans to submit for approval, then to exacute the plan, with determination and perserverance.