Good overdrive for chord work

two more things to add:

4) mute properly

5) use closed voicings (triads) as opposed to open voicings (full C chord for e.g)

A good overdrive pedal will not solve anything if the 5 points are not taken in to consideration. Not to sound condescending, but it's always better to look at the foundational problems first, rather than try to address the problems with technology.

All the pedals mentioned including the TS-9 has worked for someone, pro or hobbyist. You'll only know what works for you better when you understand the instrument better. To prevent a misunderstanding, I'm not addressing this comment to the poster of this thread specifically. He might be a great player who wants some gear advice, however I'm just addressing an issue here which I feel, needs dire attention.
maybe some eq-ing will help. No need to spend so much.

But i do agree that on its own, the blackstone sounds the clearest of these 3:

Blackstone, OD-3 and BD-2.

We had a direct comparison that day at my place with shredcow on the guitar.. the blackstone sounded the 'tightest' and 'flattest' and more refined but i must say that the OD-3 and BD-2 were not very far behind. The OD-3 if i remember correctly sounded more 'crunchy' with bigger modulations. Depends on your own preference ultimately I think.. price wise also big difference.

but to cut through in a band for power chords and clarity, think eq first.

ah but what the heck, what do i know? hahaha.. :lol:
ChanMin said:
Xotic BB preamp.
frigging awesome OD/dist

I've heard lots of talk about it being used more for leads, can you describe the rhythm tone, seems like a 'marshally' pedal to me... How does it sound through say your fender? my fender is pretty picky about pedals, so far have only gotten a satisfying lower gain tone with my pedals, whereas mid-high gain stuff didn't get impressive at all.. Looking for a marshally mid gain tone, that can get dirtier when I dig in...
p00n said:
ChanMin said:
Xotic BB preamp.
frigging awesome OD/dist

I've heard lots of talk about it being used more for leads, can you describe the rhythm tone, seems like a 'marshally' pedal to me... How does it sound through say your fender? my fender is pretty picky about pedals, so far have only gotten a satisfying lower gain tone with my pedals, whereas mid-high gain stuff didn't get impressive at all.. Looking for a marshally mid gain tone, that can get dirtier when I dig in...

Ok... for the rythm tone ;say with all controls at 12'oclock. it gives a kick up in volume and a slight grit. I wouldnt call it marshall. at maxed out gain. it gives a smooth singing dist which REALLY lets your guitar's orginal tone shine thru. It is not gonna give you a balls to the wall marshall grind or GnR lead tone. More like boutique overdriven amp.

The neat part is that despite the lower gain , its very easy on the fingers. legato and fast picked passages sound very clean... kinda helps you improve your playing... mistakes are very obvious.... Very responsive to your playing dynamics. Perfect for fusion .. slow rock kinda solos... where the naunces of your playing needs to be communicated.

After stacking it with my RC booster, which not surprisingly is a perfect partner for the BB preamp. It gave it more gain, for more RAWK \m/, styles of playing. Still wont do heavy metal chug...but shred it will do(provided guitarist is able)
the BB preamp is for more refined music styles. Where clarity is appreciated. Been using it with both my strats... Great stuff...
just to add that for the cranked MArshall rock juicy tone. Visual sound Jekyl and hyde and the radial tonebone do this very well.

didnt really like the OD side of the JnH, The dist side was shiok.
The tonebone hot british is very similiar, but with tube warmth, and more tweakability...
best marshall rock crunch i heard was from a crunch box. tonebone din do it for me. hurhur =) but the best cranked tone was from a 2204 a good friend of mine just aquired. hurhurhuhur
that is a very popular pedal recently... im very sure it is an awesome pedal.
not to mention it is only 1/4 the size of the tonebone.
Oh ok, wasn't really thinking of the chugga chugga marshall distortion anyway, I've had the hot british, awesome for tight 80's(?) metal, but hardly warm enough with my previous setup, probably too much treble from my guitar/eq. Was thinking of a thicker lower gain marshall tone that has that low mid growl when dug in
mr 2204? ... edmund? *eyes glaze over*

when is the supposed gathering of the tube 50watts.

Poon: well .. for a darker sounding marshall type tone ... i will recommend the barber direct drive. it gives more bass and mids compared to the radial tonebone.
But the Barber really is just an OD ... cant do that kinda thing la.. maybe with a booster it can..
poon get iur hands on the 1st version of the crunchbox
try it out. u want lower mid this thing gt lots. abt too much for mysetup. my les paul cant cut tru at the volume setting of my rig with my crunch box sometims.

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