Good old 90's ... how many of these cartoons do u remember

90s cartoons! Damn! There were alot! Street sharks, biker mice from mars, dexter...but the classics were these:


animaniacs, gi joe extreme, batman, superman, freakzoid, tail spin, goofy and pete (or smth like that), dark wing duck, swat kats, pinky and the brain, the original 95 04 94 power rangers, the mask the few i remeber. i know there were more but forgetton already. the 80's were great too. they jus dun make cartoons like they used too.
i dont really like the cartoons these days, infact i dont like it at all.
90s cartoons are still the best, captain planet! biker mice from mars! Project G.K.R!
o yeh captain planet. earth wind fire water heart! now i rembered a few more also. i used to like action man as well and johhny quest too. i used to love the intro. o yeh how can forget mi all time fav DUCK TALES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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yeah man, back in the days where cartoons were showed on TCS 5. wow...

i hate new cartoons where they used those so called 3D effect or whatever, except Jimmy neutron though. heheheh
I hate overusage of the Japanese Anime look in American cartoons nowadays. Teen Titans la, this and that la..don't know the titles, but there are alot.

Oh yeah and this:

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No one mentioned Mighty Max??
Legendary man 90s Cartoons compared to now. LOL
Conan too.
anyone remember this two really cool cats who are like junk repairmen but actually hop into a jet once there's trouble? haha cant remember the title! then there's street sharks too and whatnot
My favourite got to be:
Batman The Animated Series (Own the Dvds, The Joker is the best, voiced by Mr Luke Skywalker himself, Mark Hamill)


Superman The Animated Series

Haizzz, the memories....
wah piang eh...

i missed the masks, silverhawk, he-man...

and thundercats!!!
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i dont miss the 90s, i dont really like 90s cartoons, except dexter and powerpuff girls.

Haha dude, those are already considered quite new age cartoons. Tom and Jerry, TMNT, Captain Planet, all the other cartoons that existed when the channels PRIME 12 AND PREMIER 12 still existed! HAHA