hahah well i'm sorry
i guess you're right, we are only forced to say more when our tolerance for stupidity wears thin.
and yes, the 2012 thread conversation between you and levan was a very good read, both sides had their points, and hey, nothing beats good friendly banter. and that thread also made me that you aren't part of the sudden influx of 16 year olds who come to soft to be spoonfed when the search button is just up there, and google just a few seconds away.
like i said, IF i get my account back im sure to return your rep points, anyway it was dumb of me to assume you were one of those kids anyway
to the topic of speakers, yes they are functional, but to me, nothing beats the good ol' amp, when you crank it up and imagine you are your favourite guitar hero.
Unfortunately, the reason why i am using this alias, was because of some conflict similar to this, some user was being really dumb, i kinda stepped in, and BAM, account gone, but thats a whole different story anyways.
Good knowing you bro.