Girls and Soccer

i like to talk, i mean type like that eh.

and hmm nevermind lar no need to know who i am because i dont think i know you too kuang3 . what's YOOOOur name mister strats huh?
nevermind it's okay.
btw you couldn't be badron rite.
the other guy in mona 38 was i dunno who la your name

ok ok. whatever. back to girls and soccer ... or blablabla as long as the sex is good.

ai ai.
strats said:
gutty, a baseball travels faster then a cricketball.

knucks:you erm didn't need to mention that :?
well. faster or slower..get hit by a cricket ball half the speed half the distance, it hurts twice as much :lol: Fakir? polo? Hah. No surprise. Btw knuckleduster whats eww abt cricket?
Funny ah how come at National Stadium when SG play all guys or at best auntie-auntie types goin down 2 support the national team?