Girl from katong- Serenaide


New member damn good local song in my opinion. has the local flavor and that's what local band should try to do- create music but with some Singaporean flavor. Nothing good will come out with we keep copying those angmohs. One more thing that I have observed. if you want to create stuff that has local flavor, please portray Sg in a good light. Don't like every time be like dick lee or jack neo- laugh at govt, parody ourselves,etc. We can still create stuff that is unmistakeably local but lets do it seriously LAH!
Btw anyone knows anything about the band? I can't find much about them online

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The song is pretty old... 2004 or 2005 if I remember correctly. Serenaide hasn't been doing anything much lately :)

If you go to Home Club on Friday nights you can ask Ginette to play it for you. Hahahaha
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serenaide have been ard the scene since 2002 if i reckon correctly. formerly consist of 2 guys and a lady on bass. they were searching for a vocals and they were introduced by a friend to pheyroz. which end up pheyroz and mimi (the bassist) being a couple. later on, they have an additional member on the violins. couple at times they have a keyboardist sessionist. they have released some songs for compilation and an album. they were very popular among the 'indie' people around here back then. others not sharing the same musical taste as them also enjoyed watching their performance thanks to their catchy sounds and so called 'jokingly dirty' lyrics. but its all pure fun watching them with pheyroz entertaining the crowds. what bro flowersamurai state is true, they are original musically. now, they have been out of stage for years already. can't blame them. pheyroz and mimimi is blessed with 2 beautiful girls. who know's, they will be back on stage again and release a new album. will be looking out for that great news.

i hope what i state above is all correct. i'm not a member of them, stalker or whatsoever, just a big fan and a friend of them. apologies if i got the facts wrong. you guys can check their page out.
although they have not update the site for quite a while, you can see their photo's and other stuffs there.

serenaide - great band with great personalities.
heh, heres another local indie band's "anthem".

most of their songs have a really good local vibe as well..

If by local vibe, you mean the void deck Malay wedding band sound, then I fully agree. In a good way, too. I've been a longtime fan, owning their album, and the surf-twang guitar sounds does help.

Having said this, I still believe there are many other good local bands with the flair in 'localised' lyrics: The Oddfellows, Humpback Oak, Concave Scream, etc..

Anyone has Crack Hitler's tracks ( from their limited edition demo )? We have had tons of bands with good songs in the past& we still do. Padre's Radio Station remains my personal anthem somehow.
crack hitler demo dont have, only got a track from them, from bigo singles club cd

radio station is win!

oh, on the same note, heres a project which some friends did 2 years back and released as a free download album of local indie band song remixes

Girl from katong, radio station are some of the songs in there. Check it out, if havent. damn good local song in my opinion. has the local flavor and that's what local band should try to do- create music but with some Singaporean flavor. Nothing good will come out with we keep copying those angmohs. One more thing that I have observed. if you want to create stuff that has local flavor, please portray Sg in a good light. Don't like every time be like dick lee or jack neo- laugh at govt, parody ourselves,etc. We can still create stuff that is unmistakeably local but lets do it seriously LAH!
Btw anyone knows anything about the band? I can't find much about them online

first of all, can i just share my opinion by saying that this IS NOT A GOOD SONG. it has a monotonous melody, very very WEAK structure, and VERY MEANINGLESS lyrics that don't point at or lead to anything. This is a song that i heard when i was sec 3 (probably 2007 or 08), and now that i've heard it again, my opinion hasn't changed from back then.

It's true that we shouldn't go and copy the ang mohs because that is not us. But we shouldn't also deliberately deviate so far from the ang mohs that it becomes something that is not us either.

I'm afraid Serenaide has made the same mistake here. Trying too hard to be something/someone that is not them.
first of all, can i just share my opinion by saying that this IS NOT A GOOD SONG. it has a monotonous melody, very very WEAK structure, and VERY MEANINGLESS lyrics that don't point at or lead to anything. This is a song that i heard when i was sec 3 (probably 2007 or 08), and now that i've heard it again, my opinion hasn't changed from back then.

It's true that we shouldn't go and copy the ang mohs because that is not us. But we shouldn't also deliberately deviate so far from the ang mohs that it becomes something that is not us either.
I'm afraid Serenaide has made the same mistake here. Trying too hard to be something/someone that is not them.

wow sharp_edge.

then how do you define "not trying too hard to be something/someone that is not them" ?
they are in a band. it's called performing.. do stage actors/actress have to potray their own self on stage while performing for a play? same goes for serenaide, they are there up there on stage to perform for the audience. they are still singing in english(main language used in singapore) not in other native languages or whatsoever. does that make them someone that is not them?

"It's true that we shouldn't go and copy the ang mohs because that is not us. But we shouldn't also deliberately deviate so far from the ang mohs that it becomes something that is not us either."
so where shall they place themselves at? care to define those in between the 2? the statement you made just state there is a certain extend that the local bands can't go further so as not to be called them copy-ing the ang mohs by you.

"first of all, can i just share my opinion by saying that this IS NOT A GOOD SONG. it has a monotonous melody, very very WEAK structure, and VERY MEANINGLESS lyrics"
and lastly, who are you to judge them? that's a very bold statement made by you. maybe you can enlighten us by telling which local bands that can pass in all your criteria. and having a "GOOD SONG", "GOOD STRUCTURE" and "MEANINGFUL LYRICS"

gosh sharp_edge, hope you can reply to this
or sharp_edge, better still you can tell us what band you are in... cause it will be the perfect local band to you. if i do agree your band is a great local band, i will happily go to your show's and spread to the crowd saying that you're band the perfect local band that should be.

wow sharp_edge.

then how do you define "not trying too hard to be something/someone that is not them" ?
they are in a band. it's called performing.. do stage actors/actress have to potray their own self on stage while performing for a play? same goes for serenaide, they are there up there on stage to perform for the audience. they are still singing in english(main language used in singapore) not in other native languages or whatsoever. does that make them someone that is not them?

"It's true that we shouldn't go and copy the ang mohs because that is not us. But we shouldn't also deliberately deviate so far from the ang mohs that it becomes something that is not us either."
so where shall they place themselves at? care to define those in between the 2? the statement you made just state there is a certain extend that the local bands can't go further so as not to be called them copy-ing the ang mohs by you.

"first of all, can i just share my opinion by saying that this IS NOT A GOOD SONG. it has a monotonous melody, very very WEAK structure, and VERY MEANINGLESS lyrics"
and lastly, who are you to judge them? that's a very bold statement made by you. maybe you can enlighten us by telling which local bands that can pass in all your criteria. and having a "GOOD SONG", "GOOD STRUCTURE" and "MEANINGFUL LYRICS"

gosh sharp_edge, hope you can reply to this

here comes someone looking for a meaningless internet argument.

Who am i to judge them? I am a member of the public. that's who i am. You think they're good. So you've judged them as being good then. WHO ARE YOU TO JUDGE THEM, MORNING BELLS?

i see you've pounced upon ANYONE who makes negative comments and attempt to make yourself look smart on the internet by taking apart my musical opinion.

i meant whatever i said in the earlier post. there is no need to defend myself because that was my opinion. any additional information you require comes from my earlier post. i will not engage in a meaningless argument on the internet with someone i have just lost respect for.

thank you.
a local band from local island, singing about a girl from katong(a local district) and not any other countries, but yet being taken for somewhat not them?

Woah lan dey, how to take such opinion seriously.

hahaha,, the more i think, the more i find theres more of identity crisis of oneself then the local indie bands lacking in it.
here comes someone looking for a meaningless internet argument.

Who am i to judge them? I am a member of the public. that's who i am. You think they're good. So you've judged them as being good then. WHO ARE YOU TO JUDGE THEM, MORNING BELLS?

i see you've pounced upon ANYONE who makes negative comments and attempt to make yourself look smart on the internet by taking apart my musical opinion.

i meant whatever i said in the earlier post. there is no need to defend myself because that was my opinion. any additional information you require comes from my earlier post. i will not engage in a meaningless argument on the internet with someone i have just lost respect for.

thank you.


look here little man. yes i admit they are good. have you seen them live? if yes, did you notice how the crowd reacted everytime they end one song? this thread is originally brought up for praising this local band song by serenaide. the threadstarter didn't ask for any softies opinion who thinks that the song "IS NOT A GOOD SONG", "has a monotonous melody", "very very WEAK structure", "and VERY MEANINGLESS lyrics".

if you think so, why bother condemning them? with the caps highlighting those negative parts?

i make myself look smart on the internet? heh. did i say something that is not true to make myself look smart? what about you? saying those negative comments on a local band with your 'musical opinion', isn't that making yourself look smart too here?

boy oh boy. wonder if any of serenaide members offend this small boy here. or maybe you just got issues with the place 'katong' heh

im not starting a meaningless argument with you on this thread. you are the one looking for a meaningless argument here. i may have just lost a respect from a boy here. but hey, it doesn't bother me. why do i have to get respect from a local boy who does not respect local musicians. call yourself a singaporean..

thanks for the thank you. that's very polite of you
\I'm afraid Serenaide has made the same mistake here. Trying too hard to be something/someone that is not them.

Actually the song is quite them leh...

But would be good to know what (Singaporean-made) songs you consider to be good, so we can get a feel of where you're coming from.
Actually, Serenaide sounds like a cross between The Smiths and Pulp. Not very original... but singing about a girl from Katong. Unique-ness x 1,000!

Great stuff!

And somemore, they always colour coordinate their performing outfits. That rocks.

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