gigs, gigs, gigs


Yeah... I thk bro serialninja bro answered for me liao...


It's not abt begging for shows... It's about expanding your network. ;)

Anyway, do send us e-posters of your shows so we can place on our Events Listing. Thanks!
from my point of view..

wad the TS prolly meant was..

IF we (softies) happen to come across an upcoming gig with available slots or gig organizers looking for bands to fill up the gig slots, we (softies) cud let him know..

having said that, its similar to "pointing him (TS) in the right direction"..

to sum it up, it cud be more of "helping" him keep a lookout (while he himself is looking out) in case he missed it..

well..tts juz my insignificant input.:)

hmms i noe u guys are not jamming for the moment bt the best bet will be asking urr local jamming studio.
well..serialninja ,it`s not wrong as far as i`m concern to ask my frd where he bought that tele and how much he paid for it.if someone asks me where did i get my guitar from and how much i paid for it..i would tell him..duh

i dont see an issue about helping looks like you have an issue.this thread is a about some guy who cant find gigs and is looking for organisers/fellow softies to help him.not spoonfeed him.any wrong in that??
well,what can i say.. in the end,each person has their own points and views about this....:)
if possible, someone can take the lead and organise a combined gig around december region, where my band will be able to jam (having exams for this period)

thanks anywya

I think serialninja's post was in response to the above quote and not about flaming newbies asking for contacts online.

Its like telling a gig organiser ,"Hey organise a gig for my band during the december holidays cause WE WILL ONLY BE FREE DURING THIS PERIOD". From a gig organiser's (or even secular) point of view I think its really rude.

Being thick skin so more to say....
well,all i can say to the threadstarter is that its much better to source out for gigs,.
try DXO..i believe that they have gigs every mth.try this link:

anyway,to get started in any gig..try to do some kinda write up for your band,put some pics and send some demos..send them to organisers.i believe that there are few here in soft.
common , singapores music industry is not say mtv callibre , we should just all help each other get contacts , new bands may not know where to start , i had that same problem and through friends i found a path to take haha , if we continue to shun and snob at each other we'd all be at the losing end , DO SHARE INFORMATION ABOUT GIGS , perhaps soft could be of some help too , advertising for bands to play , of course the band has to be able to make music and not weapons of mass destruction . but thats another story isnt it .
cheers people .
guys, if you want PAID gigs - get some people who are willing to pay to see you.
Otherwise there's plenty of pay to play shows circulating :)

I run alternation EVERY WEEK at DXO and all the bands get paid.
contact or myself at if you think you are up for it. 18+ only thanks. It helps if you have recorded.

I also function in a consultant role for Redbar (formerly gashaus) - if no one puts you on, why not come up with a concept and save $800. I'll get you guys a show as long as it finishes before 9pm. How about that?

and dharma - singaporean bands are the laziest I've seen in the world. Dharma's came from america, so he knows what I'm talking about. The late great Wayne thunder was also an ex-aussie muso. Carrying your drumkit with you to the gig is not funny.

aigh sorry i think you read too much into it, i wasnt trying to be rude, was only wondering if anyone is organizing free and easy gigs for new bands to have a slot! :)

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wow this is the first time i've seen new bands ask organizers to approach them with gigs. i guess research and initiative is out of fashion! organizers must be tripping over each other to throw gigs your way now! this sure is progress!

AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH damn tats so the dharma i know....

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