gigs, gigs, gigs


New member
ok maybe it's just my bad comunication skills or i'm not street wise, but i've been checking soft and audioreload over and over again but i can't seem to find any gigs coming up with free slots, seesh.... anyway, my band is planning to gig around early november... so yea, do pm me if there is a gig coming up.... i'll still be checking though
if possible, someone can take the lead and organise a combined gig around december region, where my band will be able to jam (having exams for this period)

thanks anywya
wow this is the first time i've seen new bands ask organizers to approach them with gigs. i guess research and initiative is out of fashion! organizers must be tripping over each other to throw gigs your way now! this sure is progress!
It's true what phoenix said.. Ask your friend's friend's friend's friend for contacts lah.. If don't have any, good luck!
wow this is the first time i've seen new bands ask organizers to approach them with gigs. i guess research and initiative is out of fashion! organizers must be tripping over each other to throw gigs your way now! this sure is progress!

:mrgreen: ;)
be realistic guys

you gotta admit that a new band lack contacts. And it is true. pple i ask around dun seem to have any idea whether or not gigs are available. Apart from Yamaha Asian Beats and RockOn@DXO, there seem to be lack of gigs. And isn't this what forums are for? to gain contacts and to get info on this stuffs? so chill k? this guy is trying his best to get ashow for his band..
give this guy some support is all i can say.he is just trying to find gigs for his band. no harm in that.some people might not have the right contacts and they come here to search for them. unlike "YOU GUYS". who are quite pro "Musicians" if you guys can help then do it,if not don`t talk like you all know everything.
right, like people with contacts were born knowing organizers. :rolleyes: we had to work to make contacts, not post on a forum and hope they'd come a'calling.

perhaps attending some gigs (whatever few gigs there may be) and bringing along a demo, and passing them to the organizers at the gig might be a good start. or go to places where you know these organizers are, or places that host shows regularly. if you wanna play at Home club, go to Home club with a demo and ask around. if you wanna do a show at Substation or the Arts House, go there and ask around. bring a demo. prove you're worth investing a gig slot in. show organizers that you have initiative and that you are better than the other bands because you're willing to work to earn your right to play.

working the ground is not that hard. i did this when my band started out, and you can do it too. effort is nothing without some thought behind it.

so put some thought into what you want to do, then put some thought into how to go about doing it, and then do it.

^^ agreed. True but harsh, I'm finding it tough to get gigs for my band but mostly because heh my drummer is in BMT and we don't have an opportunity yet to practise, and thereby ensure that we're up to the mark for gigs, even though we have had a couple in the past.

That said, it does help to go around to gigs, get the organiser's emails, send them a bio or a link to one's myspace, and I'm sure some of us beginning bands might get lucky :)
true,maybe he has done all that but he cant get any in anycase there is no wrong in posting this far as i can say.
just because you did it does not mean that other ppl have the same mindset as you.

to the person that has posted this sure that along the way you can get some gigs..dont worry about what ppl say..also, dont sit on your ass and not do anything but wait for gigs..go and SEARCH..
for the record, i'm always open to sharing contacts, so if you have someone specific you want to get hold of you can always PM me and i will gladly share the contact or at least try to point you in the right direction. even if you don't have anybody specific, you can still drop a PM and let me know which organizations you want to work with and i will share what information and contacts i have with you.

but bottom line is that bands, especially new ones who are trying to make contacts, won't get gigs by asking organizers to come to them. if you think about it from an organizer's point of view, why should an organizer give a new, untried, untested band a gig slot without knowing if the band will earn him back the money he's investing in holding the gig?

"because i want to play" is not a good enough reason for an organizer to give you a gig.

this is why bands have to work to get gigs. this forum is a resource, but use it the right way. use it the smart way. don't post asking organizers to come to you and give you gigs, it doesn't work.

instead, use the other forumers as resources to get information about who to contact, why, and how to contact them because doing that will help you get gigs.

so once again, feel free to PM me if you think i am a resource that you can use. if i have information or contacts that can help you out, i will be happy to share it.
ahhh.there you have it carcrash_angels. a helpful person who is willing to help you and your band fulfill your dreams.
Methinks wylde is also gg to ask bro serialninja bro about the lobangs...

For us, it has been very straight. Demo, press-kit and techrider. Other than that, the only reason why we'll book you is: we like your music (meaning... you have at least a demo) or you are our beer buddy.

That's it.
hmm..aging youth,i dont get you..what do you mean by

'wylde is also gg to ask bro serialninja bro about the lobangs'

and for the record,i dont need to beg for played in gigs n can get gigs on my own..
im only trying to tell people that if someone asks for help in this thread its not wrong,right???
i dont know who is the guy that posted this thread but all i can say is that,instead of offering to help, some of you guys are making a big fuss about why its wrong to ask for gigs and yap yap yap.

what if someone asks you where to get fender you tell him to go and find out by himself or that he needs to ask his frds and stuff like that...
ask yourself...............
It's not right for bands to expect organisers to approach them with gigs cause it won't happen unless you're very very good.

This guy just seems to be asking if people know of gigs that are coming up though, so he could apply or something.
what if someone asks you where to get fender you tell him to go and find out by himself or that he needs to ask his frds and stuff like that...
ask yourself...............

your analogy is wrong. asking for organizers to approach you with gigs is equivalent to asking people to bring fender guitars to your home because you couldn't find them.

asking people who the organizers are and how to contact them is like you asking your friend where he bought that sweet fender tele and how much he paid for it.

... damn, i'm reminded of that sweet tele you used to use that's sitting at ebenex... *DROOL*

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