Gig openings... hah....


New member
Despicable.. don't you think... Sucking money out of young bands, chaps who have no idea what these people are up to.

Capitalizing on their passion, to profit.

Sell tickets. Hah.... what do the bands get? Captive audience, and a platform. Are we so desperate???

To the bands: Look, your time and effort put into jamming, practicing, travelling, performing, selling tickets, advertising for the event.. does not reap the benefits that you SHOULD get... do the math on your own....

To the organizers: stop being lazy... get sponsors, be ethical. The sponsors get their returns via marketing, the bands get their returns via money, and so do you. If anyone should be selling tickets, it should be you guys. If the bands volunteer to do so (which they probably would since they want ppl to watch), then so be it. Bums....

minimum requirement to gig in singapore: having many stupid, rich friends.


dude , you're not the only one complaining of all these things. what to do ? don't gig lor.
the same old stuffs comes out.. bro.. really.

If you think you can do better, get off your seat, and start finding sponsors and make a revolution to the scene..

No offence bros. My replies can be seen alot of times over the last few years. :)

DIY gigs

the bands can organise gigs themselves. they just need money for the venue and equipment. if the bands are so desperate to play, the cost can be divided by each band. then the profits thru the tickets can be divided equally.provided there is a profit.
the same old stuffs comes out.. bro.. really.

If you think you can do better, get off your seat, and start finding sponsors and make a revolution to the scene..

No offence bros. My replies can be seen alot of times over the last few years. :)


i think the bro your refering to is a girl haha
oo girl ah..

ok i give chance. LOL....!

alamak sis.. relax la.

Im also a gig organizer, i understand the feelings of those organizers too..

having to book the rentals and stuffs.

Not easy.
For my shows, I make things clear. Bands who wanna be part of my shows, have to work with me.

We make profits together. if we make loss, everyone will make loss. So thats the logic for me lah. And also , I think im the only organizer who never earn anything. Not even covers my phonebills and transportations fees. I organized for the sake of those bands who is willing to work with me and make the shows a success.

So, communications is a must between organizers and bands. Everyone should know Everyone. Everyone has a part to play in Singapore.

After so much talk, My birthday is coming. 23rd march :0 hehe.. Those having gigs tmrw, please have a tribute to me. LOL! I will be in camp, doing duty. HAHAHA aww...

CHEERS! I type so long, i hope u guys can understand. Im happy go lucky person.
i got no problems with these despicable shady organiser mofos. because i don't look for problems. and i am not desperate. and i don't sell tickets

it only becomes your problem if you want to get gigs the 'easy' way. and gigs are not easy to get. nobody said they were. that's why everyone wants to play

so i dont see the point of complaining either. what you need to do is take a chill pill, eat some mushrooms, and listen to some reggae
Wanda, seriously, unless if you're a bigshot band then you have a right to whine and bitch, I go through the same shit too, but I don't complain, simply because I personally know some organizers, and organizing is shitty business. My band has to go through all that shit too, and its with organizers who I dont personally know, but then, who are we? Are we Megadeth? No, if you want some serious attention and get really paid for your work, you ought to focus more on becoming REALLY brilliant as a band.
come people

she's just voice out what she thinks

maybe she had problems and stuff???

so stop blamming her
this is our fault
so if we wana blamm
blame on ourself!!!
I agree with threadstarter to a certain extent. Sure we get a platform to perform from the hardwork of organisers, but we DO want the standard of our music to improve right? By bringing friends and shoving our music down their throats is unethical and creates a false sense of achievement in it's own. I know you organisers do this to have people to watch us at the stage or at least have a certain audience. But if the audience is there as an friend and not a real supporter, it's quite a degradation of the meaning of "fan".

And yes, I think it's time that organisers actually pay bands to perform. Sure you need to pay for the venue and equipment, but the bands are there to perform for your show too, imagine if there's no bands interested to perform in your show considering the high ticket sales that is demanded. You'd still have to plan further and coax bands to perform. A simple cash return wouldn't hurt that much I guess, considering that if the show is small, then the band should expect a low pay.

All in all, both the bands should smart up and the organisers too. Organisers should stop acting like kings and treat the bands like they owe you something and bands should stop whining about the low support/bad equipment due to an underground gig/etc and should keep their side of the deal by performing their best and yeah,respecting the venue and the organisers' hardwork cause you need to build up fans yourselves, you still aren't rockstars.

This is part of my opinion. I'm not taking sides of either the organisers nor the performers. Both are important parts of the scene.

5 cents worth. I just have itchy fingers tonight.
Dime,let's go fishing with Mas.
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ok yes we want this and that , do something about it . Bands of the past we go getters not lazy excuses of noise makers . They took effort to organise they're own gigs , collaborate and all . So quit whining and do something about it .
I dont think that bands should be getting paid unless they're at that level of 'awesomeness' at the same time I dont think that new bands should be stepped on and be forced to sell ridiculous amount of tickets in order to play. Especially for sponsored events where the organizers are given an amount of budget, they should utilize atleast a small amount on marketing their event and not just force the bands to sell tickets to their 'fans'.
i think some bands shouldn't be allowed anywhere near any stage but well if they have fans then they worked for they're pay(apparently screaming can be understood) , getting paid is based on the organizer's choice of bands , if they choose the wrong band and people jeer them off stage and nobody goes , its the organizers fault . But of course bands must be able to pull they're shit off first . New bands shouldn't complain , take the shit for the first few months , make contacts and be nice to people(remember you're not rockstars yet). Not be sorry asses that keep complaining about gig organizers being unfair , if you don't like em then get your own gig going and give those people('greedy' gig organizers) a run for they're money .