New member
Despicable.. don't you think... Sucking money out of young bands, chaps who have no idea what these people are up to.
Capitalizing on their passion, to profit.
Sell tickets. Hah.... what do the bands get? Captive audience, and a platform. Are we so desperate???
To the bands: Look, your time and effort put into jamming, practicing, travelling, performing, selling tickets, advertising for the event.. does not reap the benefits that you SHOULD get... do the math on your own....
To the organizers: stop being lazy... get sponsors, be ethical. The sponsors get their returns via marketing, the bands get their returns via money, and so do you. If anyone should be selling tickets, it should be you guys. If the bands volunteer to do so (which they probably would since they want ppl to watch), then so be it. Bums....
minimum requirement to gig in singapore: having many stupid, rich friends.
Capitalizing on their passion, to profit.
Sell tickets. Hah.... what do the bands get? Captive audience, and a platform. Are we so desperate???
To the bands: Look, your time and effort put into jamming, practicing, travelling, performing, selling tickets, advertising for the event.. does not reap the benefits that you SHOULD get... do the math on your own....
To the organizers: stop being lazy... get sponsors, be ethical. The sponsors get their returns via marketing, the bands get their returns via money, and so do you. If anyone should be selling tickets, it should be you guys. If the bands volunteer to do so (which they probably would since they want ppl to watch), then so be it. Bums....
minimum requirement to gig in singapore: having many stupid, rich friends.