Some spirits are more playful than anything else actually.
One of the studios in my block has this resident spirit that everyone calls Meiling (I don't know why, but all studio ghosts seem to be called that).
During my orientation camp we had this nightwalk thing where the seniors hid themselves in diff parts of the building, attempting to scare us at every turn. One of the checkpoints was the radio studio.
When we got there, the GL told us the Meiling story, told us to go knock on all the doors to find our next GL, and then left us alone in the dark. My group decided to be guailan, and start from the door furthest away from us.
The first couple of doors provided no response, but the third door was of particular interest to us when we heard giggling coming from behind it. I knocked on the door, and a female voice told us to "come in". I turned the handle to find that it was locked.
Creeped out by the place and sick of waiting, we decided to leave. My friend for some reason decided to playfully kick the second door on our way out.
...and out came the three GLs who were hiding inside.
We had a good laugh about it, and then asked them why the GLs in the next room so guailan, lock themselves in.
They told us that the three of them were the only ones in the studio. What they did next was even more horrifying. One of them opened the door to the studio where the voice had come from by simply turning the handle, and it was empty.
All of a sudden, the air went heavy and the silence started ringing out...and we heard giggling coming from down the empty corridor.
Needless to say, they scrapped that station for the rest of the night.
That wasn't the only incident that happened in there. A couple of months back I was manning the mixer panel for a recording project, and the two voice talents were in the isolation room, seperated from me by a pane of glass. Midway through the recording, the mics suddenly started pumping out feedback like some motherf***er. I went over into the isolation room, and saw the gain had been adjusted to maximum.
Shrugging it off, I adjusted the gain back to it's normal level. My friends who were recording asked me what was wrong, and I couldn't really give em an answer cos I didn't know how the knobs got turned up either.
This happened again a couple of times, and I got really annoyed.
This time, when I went back to recording, I told my friends to keep their hands away from the knobs. If they had tampered with them, I would have been able to see them doing it, so I kept my eyes on the room.
Sure enough, midway through the recording, the same thing happened, I looked at the gain knobs, and they were again pushed to the maximum position. Nobody but me could have touched them.
Figuring out what was happening, I stood up and tried to talk reason with Meiling. After that, the tampering stopped.
When I finished my recording, I thanked Meiling before leaving. Then the freaky bit happened. I SWEAR I heard a woman giggling and breathing onto my cheek.
There was another time when I was in the toilet on the same level washing my hands.All of a sudden, I became aware of someone's presence behind me. I looked up in the mirror, relieved to see nothing.
Then I turned around and came face-to-face with an old crone. You know the kind that appears in those stories of the kum-kum? She pretty much fit the bill. She smiled, and then walked away, disappearing into the sunlight coming through the blinds.
And then there was the time when I was working alone in the studio while waiting for a friend to come. I was typing out some paperwork for my thesis essay, and I suddenly had the urge to grab a cup of coffee from outside, so I left my laptop running inside the studio, with the word document still open.
I couldnt have been gone for more than 5-10 minutes. When I got back, my document was empty, and my references list had been replaced with a simple "Hello ((="
This was already a few months into the school year, so I was pretty used to this sort of thing happening. I nonchalantly deleted the message and recalled my previous document from the system.
And then I heard it, the familiar giggling, coming from behind me.