Ghost Stories

hey this is so true.. sumtimes i really heard the marbles dropping on my ceiling but i was tot sum1 drop their thing.. so i dun care.. and my address is quite "suey" CCK Ave "4" Blk "44"8 and storey "14" = =..

eh? i'm at CCK ave 4, block 454 leh. 3rd floor... maybe one day we can meet up and talk cock sing song at sunshine place over kopi or something lar.

anyway experiences... dunno if it was hallucination due to lack of sleep, but i could have sworn i heard a woman calling my name while digging a firetrench during Ex. Spade. then another one was recent... i'm currently residing in a particular hall in university, and i took a shower at around 4+am. while showering it started raining outside, so when i felt a cold breeze i thought that it was due to the rain. then when i turned around to get my towel, i felt a hand tap me hard on my shoulder. so i just took my toiletries, put my shorts on and walked back to my room.

then my gf took one look at my face and asked me why it was completely white, and since i was topless, why there were 3 scratches on my back. yeah.

i think im quite "suay".. during my NS days i was doing guard duty as a trainee... and i took a smoke break with my buddy at the muslim cook house during the fasting month. then we were talking and smoking at a dark staircase when my friend suddenly stiffened up, grabbed his rifle and told me to leave. so i was quite irritated cuz we haven't even smoked half our cigerettes... but seeing the way he behaved made me leave with him. apparantly he said he saw a woman walk down the stairs, point to us and smile. dunno if its real or fake, but his hands were shaking when we smoked at the guard house and his face was damn pale.

fear wasnt the issue. But make it known to u all, that this creature of the night, creature of the after life, most of em' are shy but curious. sensitive and emotional at times but hostile once provoked. .
eh? i'm at CCK ave 4, block 454 leh. 3rd floor... maybe one day we can meet up and talk cock sing song at sunshine place over kopi or something lar.

why dont ask me along?heh.cck ave4 beb.429.

anyway since yesterday was friday night.after reading all those stories from this forum, i kinda felt scared the whole night.i wouldn't be scared like how i felt yesterday night unless i watch a ghost movie which is freaking scary.even around 12 plus i could feel the breeze since my comp is at my balcony so maybe its just windy yesterday night.

as it past through around 1 or 2, i could feel like theres something watching WTF i just played the computer.then i heard my parents door banging around.its quite loud.i get pretty much freaked out i switch off the comp and i went to bed.after that i tried to sleep even though i was freaking awake.then i heard the door banging fan make the screech sound.eww eerie.i was so freaking scared that i talk to my friend on the phone.

i can't sleep till after i was awake the whole night.listening to those weird sounds and heavy thoughts of ghost stuff on my mind.i wish tonight i won't go through the same thing again.
grain: what's the vid man. you sure it's real not. why's the demon thing just sitting there not doing anything. and how come towards the end got no sound.

and why was yesterday night friday night? today's friday!

sorry ah, blur blur.

Why so many Whys n Why not u share ur side of ghost stories.
heheeh by the way that clip was taken from Youtube. so many knows bout it. It maybe true or maybe just a hoax. its all up to your discretion. other than that its just pure creepinest.....oooooooo!!!!!!
heh cos i've never experienced anything creepy stuff before? not that i want to la. went to och and red house before, didnt experience anything. trekked in a couple of mountains in m'sia, also never kena anything. i've heard creepy stories about the place though. but since it's not my story, i wont relate it to yall, unless yall want to listen la.

there was this doctor or sth who was invited to do the sermon for my church quite a while back. she does like research behind like possession or sth (more towards the spiritual side), if i remember correctly. she said if someone practices yoga, then goes for deliverance (not too sure, i think it's when you wanna convert to christianity or get prayed for or sth), the person will move like a snake, meaning he/she will slither around like a snake, behave like a snake. freaky shit man.

quite a few years back, my pastor prayed for this lady who had just accepted Christ into her life, and was converting from Buddhism. she was a pretty staunch buddhist, went to thailand to pray and get prayed for, that kind. hardcore one. somemore i heard thailand monks are pretty darn hardcore or sth. yada yada yada. so anyway, before my pastor prayed for her, he made all those who were not spiritually and faithfully strong leave the room, so that included me cos i was like 13 14yrs old. my gang and i, being all curious and stuff, stayed just outside to try to hear what was going on. it was pretty sick. she started screaming and all, damn damn bloody loud! and mind you, she was pretty soft-spoken most of the time. my dad was part of the team who prayed for her, and he told me couple of years later (when i questioned him about the term "deliverance" and other doubts i had), that he had a vision where he saw like the 8-handed buddha (not too sure? pretty sure he said 8-handed though) not wanting to let her go.

she's a pretty strong christian now, i think. i dont really talk to her.

can someone explain the friday thing to me. i'm seriously lost. why's thurs night a friday night. or typo?
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wah. is it really necessary? or maybe you're a witchdoctor or sth, and can perform black magic thru the phone with just my voice. HEH
I actually have my own story to share. Back in 2005 I went into OCH with a party of 5 friends to do a little "exploring".

The night was a chilly one, and the wind was blowing through the broken windows like a flock of banshees, scaring the crap out of us at every turn. It seemed like there was this dampness in the air that refused to go away, as if something were breathing heavily around the corner, waiting for us to cross its path.

Around 1am we were on one end of this long corridor, when one of my friends grabbed my hand and pulled me to face something in the darkness. At the end of the corridor, we saw this massive human shadow, passing along the wall. I'd be willing to bet that all of them were pissing themselves by that point, but because it was a party of guys, the bravado naturally came a-flowing.

Someone went "What the ****, peter crouch ah?", which was met with uneasy laugher as we made our way along the corridor, each pushing the other forward.

It seemed like the wind was growing progressively stronger, and that ringing silence in the air was growing more deafening.

As we approached the end of the corridor, we began to hear a series of hushed conversations being made around the corner. At this point our hearts were beating crazy fast, and we slowly turned around the corner, coming face-to-face-with...

A bunch of ghost hunters from Johor, who started screaming their heads off cos' they thought we were ghosts.
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funny haha.. well mine's a little racist but really not meant to be. I hung out with my friends at ECP hawker centre till like 12am-1am. then they were like "Eh today 7 month start, later you cycle back careful, see pontianak or what, you know the last/1st underpass is haunted one." poking fun at me, I was like "yea yea" , so on my way back (last time i lived at fort rd area) when approaching the drainage area / 1st underpass near the fort rd expressway exit, usually I'd use the underpass out to the katong park. but yeah like I said, it's haunted so no thanks.. suddenly it was damn windy for no reason (and years ago that section of ECP, the lights were all off, before the renovation so it was damn dark), then I suddenly I heard other bike/chain ringing tracks approaching me and I didn't see any other cyclists besides me, freak me out man. then I saw this huge black figure approaching me,
and at like some close range of 2metres I almost langa this black shadow ghost on a bike, had to swerve and dodge it... and I saw it was a bangladeshi worker wearing black shirt black pants and riding a cheap black spray painted bike. even the freakin bike rims are black.

damn pissed off man.
Old Police Academy

1996 -
Sumwhere, Sumhow, Sumtime in June, as a recruit or what most new recruits were labeled as Bloody Mangkoks, PA was like a prison to most of us in the 1st 2mths. Yeah it was hell hear n there, your movements being watched by the vicious F.I's ( field instructors ). Your life in there during that time was all about fitness here n fitness there. Even warmin up for Taekwondo will take almost to an hour. as though they were preparing us for a major war. i was from Bravo Co. and the strictest company in PA that time. Everything have to be in order. from Morning Breakfast till we sleep. But that wont stop any of us from having our own funs n such. Than 1 night a recruit have this creepy idea of scaring the rest of the neighboring squads, he made his squad mates cover him up, sumhow wrapping him like candy with a big piece of white blanket. tied him from his legs sumhow he looked like a HUMAN CANDY/Sweets hehhehheehe leaving only his face visible. It was around 2am, than ready he went out and did his freaky mission as sum of his squad mates followed and watch. He Jumped around from barracks to barracks. No one even dared to wake up or do sumthing. Suddenly as he was Jumping back to his bunk wif his mates, one of them saw sumthing jumping behind him too, kind of the same thing. After that the whole barrack was filled with sudden Hysteria... and that guy who made himself looked like what malays called as " Pochong " fell ill for almost 2weeks, He was never the same when he came back. Quiet and a bit insane at times. He was also discharge earlier.
Some spirits are more playful than anything else actually.

One of the studios in my block has this resident spirit that everyone calls Meiling (I don't know why, but all studio ghosts seem to be called that).

During my orientation camp we had this nightwalk thing where the seniors hid themselves in diff parts of the building, attempting to scare us at every turn. One of the checkpoints was the radio studio.

When we got there, the GL told us the Meiling story, told us to go knock on all the doors to find our next GL, and then left us alone in the dark. My group decided to be guailan, and start from the door furthest away from us.

The first couple of doors provided no response, but the third door was of particular interest to us when we heard giggling coming from behind it. I knocked on the door, and a female voice told us to "come in". I turned the handle to find that it was locked.

Creeped out by the place and sick of waiting, we decided to leave. My friend for some reason decided to playfully kick the second door on our way out.

...and out came the three GLs who were hiding inside.

We had a good laugh about it, and then asked them why the GLs in the next room so guailan, lock themselves in.

They told us that the three of them were the only ones in the studio. What they did next was even more horrifying. One of them opened the door to the studio where the voice had come from by simply turning the handle, and it was empty.

All of a sudden, the air went heavy and the silence started ringing out...and we heard giggling coming from down the empty corridor.

Needless to say, they scrapped that station for the rest of the night.

That wasn't the only incident that happened in there. A couple of months back I was manning the mixer panel for a recording project, and the two voice talents were in the isolation room, seperated from me by a pane of glass. Midway through the recording, the mics suddenly started pumping out feedback like some motherf***er. I went over into the isolation room, and saw the gain had been adjusted to maximum.

Shrugging it off, I adjusted the gain back to it's normal level. My friends who were recording asked me what was wrong, and I couldn't really give em an answer cos I didn't know how the knobs got turned up either.

This happened again a couple of times, and I got really annoyed.

This time, when I went back to recording, I told my friends to keep their hands away from the knobs. If they had tampered with them, I would have been able to see them doing it, so I kept my eyes on the room.

Sure enough, midway through the recording, the same thing happened, I looked at the gain knobs, and they were again pushed to the maximum position. Nobody but me could have touched them.

Figuring out what was happening, I stood up and tried to talk reason with Meiling. After that, the tampering stopped.

When I finished my recording, I thanked Meiling before leaving. Then the freaky bit happened. I SWEAR I heard a woman giggling and breathing onto my cheek.

There was another time when I was in the toilet on the same level washing my hands.All of a sudden, I became aware of someone's presence behind me. I looked up in the mirror, relieved to see nothing.

Then I turned around and came face-to-face with an old crone. You know the kind that appears in those stories of the kum-kum? She pretty much fit the bill. She smiled, and then walked away, disappearing into the sunlight coming through the blinds.

And then there was the time when I was working alone in the studio while waiting for a friend to come. I was typing out some paperwork for my thesis essay, and I suddenly had the urge to grab a cup of coffee from outside, so I left my laptop running inside the studio, with the word document still open.

I couldnt have been gone for more than 5-10 minutes. When I got back, my document was empty, and my references list had been replaced with a simple "Hello ((="

This was already a few months into the school year, so I was pretty used to this sort of thing happening. I nonchalantly deleted the message and recalled my previous document from the system.

And then I heard it, the familiar giggling, coming from behind me.

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