Ghost Stories

i stay in 465 lehh.. how? we all neighbours! ahahahaha! jam together ahh! HAHAH!

anyway, i tink u're just being TOO superstitious la..

there's a distinct difference between being TOO superstitious and just believing in superstition to avoid disturbing the dead.
i stay in 465 lehh.. how? we all neighbours! ahahahaha! jam together ahh! HAHAH!

anyway, i tink u're just being TOO superstitious la..

there's a distinct difference between being TOO superstitious and just believing in superstition to avoid disturbing the dead.

neighbours power arr!HAHA!jam good idea you know.

anyway your saying that all those ghost or spirits or whatever people called it are dead now and use to be alive before just like we human beings?and if so thats true, how did they eventually become into these spirits or ghost?isit cos their souls are restless?or what.hmm
how , that ghost sitting on the tree is kinda scary and uh , i just thought of something . What if the uncle inside the house open his window to have a smoke lol
ehh i also stay in blk465 leh !!!

but ang mo kio ave10. hahaha. Lucky this place still quite clean. never see before.
neighbours power arr!HAHA!jam good idea you know.

anyway your saying that all those ghost or spirits or whatever people called it are dead now and use to be alive before just like we human beings?and if so thats true, how did they eventually become into these spirits or ghost?isit cos their souls are restless?or what.hmm

not literally dead la, as in, things from a "different world" if u get wat i mean.. wel, just dun be tooo superstitious abt this things.. just respect.. if u respect them, they'll respect you.. so far, i have experienced the marbles and all, but i just ignore, coz maybe they are there for a reason, if u're not harming them, then just ignore and dun be too kancheong spider la.. HAHA!
i went to old changi hospital before but didnt experience any weird stuff leh. but my friend went with his group of friends, they were all wearing protection 'cept one (amulets, crosses, whatever you name they had it on), and apparently when they came out he was half-deaf. but that guy is a serious cock-talker so i had my doubts.

about the marble bouncing thing, you guys sure meh.

i dont know, but i've never experienced any weird stuff before. not that i want to la.
sleep paralysis fking scary, i kena only once before... came home from sch lie down on bed then kena!.. then i started praying.. lol
hey blueprintstudios im from st pats too:D haha

ok bac to the topic,i heard that if a spirit is like near when u r sleepin u can see it but u cant move.

i read this true story in some magazine my last time tuition teacher will read the scary stories from that magazine every week,

ok so the story goes that this man,he traveled overseas to some country on buisiness,than one nite he was asleep than he smelled smoke in his,like someone was smoking in his hotel room than he woke up but he couldnt move.He saw like a shadow of a man smokin in his room,he was like helpless cos he couldnt move or scream. Than the next morning got police outside his door,he went out and found out that a man in the next hotel room died,they also found a cigarette butt on the floor next to him,the cigarette butt was a cigratte that the dead man usually didnt smoke as they found another pack of a different brand in his room
it your old house at bedok reservoir? :P my friend lives there and same shit happening.. but his is worse, the lady follow him around.. aiyo..... near my place somemore..

then I heard this weird super pitched down+boss chorus pedal satanic-like voice

for a split second there, i thought you were referring to me.. -_o
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hey blueprintstudios im from st pats too:D haha
ok so the story goes that this man,he traveled overseas to some country on buisiness,than one nite he was asleep than he smelled smoke in his,like someone was smoking in his hotel room than he woke up but he couldnt move.He saw like a shadow of a man smokin in his room,he was like helpless cos he couldnt move or scream. Than the next morning got police outside his door,he went out and found out that a man in the next hotel room died,they also found a cigarette butt on the floor next to him,the cigarette butt was a cigratte that the dead man usually didnt smoke as they found another pack of a different brand in his room

if i didn't discount the possibility that he might be in the mood for another brand.. that's superfreaky..

donno whether you guys notice but why are our local ghosts scary, a lot of weird looking characters and nasty thingies... overseas like say england is just the poltergeist and apparition.. not flying heads and women in white with fangs or jumping white beanbag all..
was telling my friend over at uk about it and he himself freaked out.. lol.. should ask them to investigate asian ghosts...

but why ah ours so scary?
look at those aunties rushing for seats and standing over the yellow line in at the MRT station..

its no wonder why their ghosts are scary..they were scary themselves when they were alive.:rolleyes:

btw, witchcraft is still rife in the UK, basically almost the whole of europe and scandinavia. witchcraft is pretty darn scary too. the mere thought of being voodoo-ed, or users of black magic summoning demons to haunt you.. eek.
look at those aunties rushing for seats and standing over the yellow line in at the MRT station..

its no wonder why their ghosts are scary..they were scary themselves when they were alive.:rolleyes:

HAHAHA HILARIOUS!! Fully agree man. And yea getting voodooed would be pretty nasty..
not literally dead la, as in, things from a "different world" if u get wat i mean.. wel, just dun be tooo superstitious abt this things.. just respect.. if u respect them, they'll respect you.. so far, i have experienced the marbles and all, but i just ignore, coz maybe they are there for a reason, if u're not harming them, then just ignore and dun be too kancheong spider la.. HAHA!

aiyo actually today only i know obut the marbles stuff on ceiling leh.. b4 this i don't i totally ignore it.. bcoz i tot some1 above me drop their things.. really shit man.. somemore i like to listen black metal.. haha
aiyo actually today only i know obut the marbles stuff on ceiling leh.. b4 this i don't i totally ignore it.. bcoz i tot some1 above me drop their things.. really shit man.. somemore i like to listen black metal.. haha

today friday night somemore.more scarierr.
But the marbles thingy like happening everywhere in singapore man. I tot i saw some tv show like SPI like tat stating that its actually the sound of water/shit/drain water running through the PVC pipes( the new one they use), but thn my blok very old already, wan to get enbloc some more where got PVC pipes?? All iron..
there was once at a camp..

there were 3 of us in a tent..

one night..i dunno wad time it was..didnt check the time..

my fren woke me up..he sed...there's smth sitting on top of the tent.and the thing was moaning..and making weird noises..

the 2 of em were so scared..they kept pointing at the top of the tent..cos smth was weighing it down..i got really irritated cos i hate my sleep being disturbed.

here's wad happens when u got 2 forgetful buggers..

they put their wet clothes on top of the tent..obviously it will weigh the tent down!!

and the moaning and weird noises..tts juz the damned wind..

but it sure gets really chilly in the wee hours of the morning.
Hi there fellow SOFTIES, care if u guys share your experience about ghost. 1st encounter, personal experiences, during camps, in school, grandma's stories or anywhere.

let me start with mine.

happen many years back, it was around 1997 if i'm not wrong, 11 guys, 3 cars and dont know where to go after partying til one of us suggested a thrill tour of our own. without realising it was Friday nite. It was already 2am by the time we reached Changi Hospital n i mean the old Changi Hospital. Very dark vacant, thought we mite came across people making out heheheheh........we did but they soon find out and drove off. The whole lot of us got off the cars and we went in. 1st stop, the operation room. armed with only torch lights we went in. i was wearing a real thick sweater, but still i can feel the chilling coldness thru my skin. not only me, everybody that nite feels just the same. Eeeeeerieeee.... but hey we havent seen anything yet. than one of the guys led the pack to another room which happend to be the mortuary or sumthing, saw the fridge where they kept dead bodies or watever..... sumhow we all heard conversasions in languages unknown to any of us. Suggestion to find out more??? yes we did. 11 of us daringly walk along the corridors of the old hospital, looking around and searching for the unusual things happening. Til we finally make our rest in along one of the staircases which is towards the 2nd floor. Suddenly, about 50meters from where we were resting, i saw sum kind of a silouette thingy, white, floating and moving 2wards us slowly. ( on 2nd thoughts, its like that Alien Lady in Mars Attack movie ) it kinda jaw dropping encounter, til i heard sumone shouting, LETS CHASE THAT THING!!!! it was sumone among us, in a split second we were chasing thatTHING. Hard to explain but broken windows were scattering as that thing were passing along the hospital corridors. Than a ball of fire suddenly flew thru us and dissappear. thoughts and feelings of eeriness n fear wasnt all in us. but the fascination of encountering the after life beings if i should call it. from far it was beautiful but as we were nearing it, unthinkable foul smells we around us. sum of us even vomitted.......
Beautiful was all i can describe.

Hi, actually I'm one of those like you. Few of my frens and I went to Old Changi Hospital and the old barracks in around year 2000... The group consisted of 5 persons. When we were there, we were confronted by an unknown source of knocking sound that came from the storey under ours. I think we were somewhere around level 3... To confirm that wasn't a foul play by others, my friends jumped on the floor to respond the signal.. And instantly that knocking sound replied us... Immediately, we rushed down to check out level 2 and 1, there wasn't a single soul.. We were pretty sure 'somethin' was there that night...

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