Ghost Stories

hahah.. well, makes you appreciate life alot seriously. and respect the dead very much. i'm in my mid 20s and I've been encountering all these since that fateful game when I was 10. now that my bad memory's coming back to me quite abit, I bumped into one of the guys (we lost contact ever since) who was playing that game with me when we were kids, in one of the army camps, I believe he recognised me cos there was this hesitated eye contact delay , not gay or anything, just imagine some ppl you haven't met for 10 over years kind of sentiment.. so.. some bad pasts are best pretended to be forgotten. so we didn't talk or anything.

there're usually 2 kinds of ppl who don't believe in ghosts/spirits (because they never seen) and will not be able to see/feel/hear them : christians and ppl with alot of "yang".

the 3rd kind of ppl are the ones who actually saw, but in dipshit denial.

so the next time someone says ghosts don't exist, they're likely the 2 above. it's not their fault.

this isn't the usual me to talk about the supernatural stuff, skeptics can diss all you want. but end of the day, i believe ppl shouldn't learn this the hard way, it changes your life. just embrace the simple things in life, and respect the dead . it's all good. cheers

90¢ worth

sum may not feel it. but when u really encounter one, than u knoe.....

And all i want in these thread is for u ppl to share ur experience n such.....not dissing here n there...

GHOST STORIES please people.....!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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as for what Heavan asked, relating to music.
there's a method called Backmasking. it's where you reverse (use an audio editor or even sndrec32.exe in your windows folder) the music and play it back wards. it's usually evil, alot of Russell Lee's Singapore True Ghost Stories have info on the famous "eagles - hotel california" and other songs like Queen (freddie mercury) - another bites the dust or something like that. when reversed/backmasked , causing some weird supernatural incident.
I try not to backmask anything, I don't want to disturb the dead. but sometimes it's funny to record yourself speaking "wooeeeee karf" then backmask/reverse it... heh
my experience was at sembawang park...
wah first was really cold. then when i could feel the thing closer,it became warmer.
suppose to be the other way around...

that same night while my friend left his guitar in his tent, we could hear some soft rings from outside as though someone is messing with ther guitar but all of us were out... i tried to calm another girl down by saying that the contracting wood due to temp change cause the strings to stretch and make the noise.

it was the only possible reason...i think...

bfore that incident, we may have done something that may have offended something...
Any Encounter While Jamming?

Any encounter while jamming at jamming studio,at home or school?

Don't need to say the name of the school or studios. cause we need to

be fare to the owner. Example : I went to this studio B on friday night while jamming I heard

etc.... We want your encounter not the name of the studio.... Thanks...
i nvr encounter b4. but when i was @ the old yuqun primary sch campus grd(now merged with yuhua) , i heard tt the toilet is hunted. some ppl say they saw a pair of yellow boots in the cubicle in the mirror. when they turn ard, its not thr anymore. and the toilet must be locked everyday after 5pm. according to a fren, whose father worked there, a cleaning auntie died in thr due to heart attack or smth. n she wears yellow boots... but no one was harmed i think. just freaked out.

This was taken recently sumwhere. can u see it????

Blk 846 Tampines St 82 updated

took this picture myself while on the way home with my cousin, spotted something flew from a nearby school across the road and landed on a tree when we stop at the traffic junction...
told my cousin to ride slowly as we make a right turn n i snap a pic with my O2 Atom...if u're curious where exactly i took this's at Blk 846 Tampines St 82...yes..just a few
blocks away from my place...n the's just 11+...strangely the playground is where teens like to hangout in large group but that nite is a 'Silent Nite' so to speak....when dis pic was
taken u're's wednesday nite...yes on d 21st...just a few days ago...

make ur own asumption...i saw wat i saw n my cam dun lie it's no trick's 100% genuine

This pic my friend also have it . I forword the massage for you all to read.
I once woke up in the middle of the night all lights off and I was "paralysed" (couldn't move duh) but I know someone is standing at the edge of the bed staring at me. then I heard this weird super pitched down+boss chorus pedal satanic-like voice telling me "What you hear, you cannot see. What you want, you cannot get." and err after that the figure disappeared and I could move again. but seriously I was scared shit big time I just wanted to play "dead" so whatever that thing is stops bothering me. so yeah, well, standard procedure. went back to sleep. killed by Z monster. ZzZzZzZzZZzz...

that is actually called sleep paralysis. i've experienced it many times before in my life. sleep paralysis usually occurs while waking up or faling asleep, when the body is still in 'sleep' mode while the mind is awake. this confusion of the senses cause hallucinations. when i told my frens about this, one ex-medic in the army told me about this so i wikipedia-ed it.

but the experience was super scary man. the first time i had it i heard chinese female voices like: 'wo lai le.. wo lai le.. (i'm coming.. i'm coming..)' other experiences i had was whilst taking a nap in th afternoon. i heard my friends outside my bedroom door laughing (i was the only one at home)

i'm still not sure if this phenomena can be explained so simply..

this things happen. the point is, like the 1st thread, it did look similar, just that the ones at Old Changi Hospital was more hostile.
i've just read the email yesterday from my bro.its kinda freaky though!i was referring to the tampines ghost at playground.
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i tot this pic was reveal by today in newspaper? i duno how to read mandarin so my frd read for me.. she said the ghost is fake.. actually is those kids playing at the playground and climb up to the tree..???

Hmm.. i didnt experience before but my frd yea.. and that time i was with him.. at KL.. after midnight movie at time square..then fetch my frd gf back to setapak.. i'm not the driver.. another frd of mine is driver.. we got 4 ppls.. then when reach her home.. my frd type on his phone and show me "i feel sumthing is blocking my eyes sight" then i was like WTF.. then he fast fast type another msg "don't panic ! calm" lolz.... then after that was at T-Junction.. my frd just go witout stop but actually there is a car coming from the other side very fast.. and i tell him to STOP ! then the car keep horn at us.. then my frd say he cant c the car coming ! then on the highway he suddenly speed up.. suddenly slow down.. so when we reach CC "Cyber Cafe" i ask him what u saw just now? he said saw ntg.. like blind already.. cant c anything when on the highway.. lucky it was at midnite.. no car..

another 1 is in genting highland.. 8 of us in first world hotel.. famous haunted hotel.. haha then we all got nothing to do and we tok ghost stories inside the room.. i think it's around 11pm - 12am.. then we tok tok tok.. suddenly my frd realise that his gf is sitting on the make up table there... she sit at there very quiet and look at us... then my frd realise it and shout "OK GUYS !! PLS STOP ! ENUF!! SERIOUS.. STOP !" then all of us feel s'thing and fast fast get out from the room.. haha then we took pic nearby at the lobby there... coz the tree is quite nice.. we capture wit phone la.. then after that we feel that the tree is like very angry.. like an angry face trees.. and ask us go away @@".. so better don't tok bout ghost is haunted place.. i think they don't like we tok bout them... just same like we tok at ppl back.. but we tok at infront of THEM...
i tot this pic was reveal by today in newspaper? i duno how to read mandarin so my frd read for me.. she said the ghost is fake.. actually is those kids playing at the playground and climb up to the tree..???

what newspaper ar?chinese or english newpaper or whatt?confirm meh fake?
chinese la.. i already said i duno how to read mandarin.. em.. don't know.. coz my frd translate for me 1.. so not sure haha..
HEAVAN :'m sure some of you guys will hear "marbles" dropping on your ceiling especially when it hits midnight hour. (freaky for ppl who live at top floor hdb) or see fast shadow at the corner of your eye (don't ever try to look at it.) that's common.

hey this is so true.. sumtimes i really heard the marbles dropping on my ceiling but i was tot sum1 drop their thing.. so i dun care.. and my address is quite "suey" CCK Ave "4" Blk "44"8 and storey "14" = =..
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