Getting sponsorships


New member
does anybody knows any organization/people who sponsors money for fund raising purposes such as a fundraising gig? i was thinking of organizing a gig by myself to help PETA and expose bands at the same time. But i cant seem to get the money needed. Im still a kid and i dont have much money. Is there any party out there who can help?

OK this may seem pointless
hey man, u could try the applying for the 'youth development fund' awarded by the national youth council. check it out here..

just make sure your proposal is skewed towards the overall well being of the society, etc. (you know la, the whole govt thing going here). just write it nicely with flowers, and im sure they'll grant you the fund. u can go nyc office at youth park and ask them more bout this. gd luck! :)
Bro, you need a solid plan behind a well thought out proposal before you can go and pitch for funds from sponsors. You need to convince people that

1) You have a solid plan
2) You (or your team) have the ability to execute your plan
3) You are crystal clear about your objectives and how you will achieve them
4) You have well-defined Critical Success Factors
5) You are clear about how the resources sponsored ($$ or other services) will be utilised.

Etc... that's a couple of things I can think of for now.

Put yourself in the shoes of people giving out sponsorships. You have a limited budget each year, a never-ending flow of people asking for sponsorships, how will you decide who gets it?
Check with National Arts Council too... they provide grants and sponsorship in a limited way so you have to read carefully thr fineprints and regulations.
NAC will not accept applications for the following:

Costs of organising fundraising events for other charitable organisations

wow. so tight.
it would be easier if you had some kind of organisation backing your bid to organise the fund-raising event (school maybe??)..

usually it's very hard for companies to grant sponsorships to individuals (unless your marketing skills are top-notch)

gd luck though! 8)
Good luck finding!

I was also thinking of holding a gig....but with my upcoming exams I don't think thats possible for now.....