getting a guitar.. price 600 - 900


New member
hey guys. thinking of getting a guitar.. price 600 - 900. i see tat the ibanez S470DXQM runs on 3 pickups.. anyway tat i can change it to 2 humbucker? but not the 1 in the middle? planning to get tat and after change it to EMGs. it would look funny with something in the middle for what i see.

Or getting a higher end Ltd or lower end ESP would beat tat ibanez setup? do davis sell the Ltd 400 series? anybody know? or they are just out of stock if they take them in. and any1 checked davis lately? what are the lower end prices of the esp.?
any body here uses the epiphone les paul standard plus. are they good? if i am going for the metal genre.. lets say i upgrade it wif EMGs. how will it fare?
You are upgrading to high output EMGs.

I really wonder how much the body wood of the guitar matters.

Again, don't worry about the pup change. Get a guitar you like first.


Passives can crush too.
Theres nothing wrong with having an additional single middle active pup.
Gives additional tonal options.
I know cos im using a rg470 with emg 81/85 installed with a sv in the middle.
Epiphone Les Paul Standard - Upgraded with EMGs.

Ibanez S470DX

Ltd EC-400.

PRS SE Custom

I play metal. which will suit better for tone?, and what you guys prefer.?
Hi dude i think you need to stop creating threads
ANYWAY my advice..

Most important go try all of them out, there's not much we can tell you except maybe about the qc or build of the guitar cause as you can see you are getting very different answers. One says ibanez one says epi one says PRS so in the end you'er still confused asking the same thing.
Everyone prefers different things so you wont get a diefinte answer. Some people own ibanez say ibanez good some own prs say prs good. Get my drift?

I also think that your whole setup is important.Amp/Pedals etc. Lets say you get a esp But you got no pedals and a amp with just a built in overdrive. How you going to play metal? The overall set up is impt.

Lastly. Dont let colour or appearance get in your way of choosing what you like most. Whats wrong with a middle pickup? As Shioks says it adds tonal options which is true so i dont see whats wrong with it. Ok so maybe james hetfield or kirk hammet dont use many guitars with a middle pickup but so? Hope that you wont find a problem with that.

Hope you choose a good guitar man. Thats a decent budget.
yea i know what im going to do.. gonna test them out n see which suits me the most. but im just asking what do u guys prefer only.. so don't get me wrong as making many threads asking the same question. i just wan to know what people prefer. tats all.. heh.. sorry if i really did irritate u.

metale with a strat!! low output singles. its not the pickup brothers, its the amp. even with the cleanest pickups on earth if u have a diezel herbert ure ready to grind. but im thinking emg81 and added with laney hardcore max is gonna be so wheee...
IAMNEWtoguitar said:
yea i know what im going to do.. gonna test them out n see which suits me the most.

That is correct-est.

IAMNEWtoguitar said:
but im just asking what do u guys prefer only.. so don't get me wrong as making many threads asking the same question. i just wan to know what people prefer. tats all.. heh.. sorry if i really did irritate u.

You contradict yourself.

Dude, really. Get what you like. The opinions you MUST seek are...

1) Quality / QC / Fit & Finish / The physical stuff, is it well made? Good trem system? Tuners? Stable? Nut material?
2) How far can it take you? A cheap kapok guitar wouldn't be with you for long, its IMO, necessary to upgrade.

Thats all.

I like a guitar with a FLAT fingerboard radius, I insist on floyd rose trems, and I like my 13.5k Viper humbucker. Malcolm, and other vintage purists, will balk at my options. I hope you get the point.
if it works, then it works. the reason this guy is using Fender for black metal...


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