Get-to-Gather for Softie Guitarist?

Wa lao! Nong Nong time ago!!!! I think it happened during my sec 2 around 1995. When the bell ring for lunch, I would run to the tuckshop like every student would do. when i was running down the stairs, i lost my balance & twisted my right ankle. I heard a cracking sound then. After that, my ankle was in pain & i felt very giddy & wana vomit!!!! I then walk like a limp all the way after school ends.

I did not obtain a medical report for my pre-enlistment, so i was PES B then. It was last yr when i attend RT, my right ankle hurts again, then i obtain a medical report & im C9L2 now. Doc says no more strenous excercise for my legs anymore. It will worsen.
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wah biang... i fell 5 metres off a watch tower and landed on a concrete platform on my legs... ala olympics gymnastic landing :)

i cracked my left calcanium (heel bone)... i got hospitalised for 4-5 days... 7 weeks MC... then i got downgraded to C2L2 ...

then recently after two long years... they UPGRADED me to PES B ... WTF RIGHT~?!~>!~>
From what I know - Tues night the softies drummer mite wanna do a meet up withHOgans Heroes (me, Kenny & aquabass)

Best to have guitar softies meet at tavern any Sat night ... more happening as well...
sat nights ah ... hurhur.. sounds good.
im ok with that.

cant think of a better way to spend a sat night... so who is in charge of bringing the chicks?
chicks - got a lot there - just gotta buy ladies drink - for those who are willing and into that sort of thing...

I all "headstock" party then just politely decline and ogle will do loh...

BTW for smokers, theres a big spacious smoke area at te back of the club where th bands hang out betwen sets.

Some sats we do have multiple bands jamming (e.g last sat Jaerd's band & a Blues band jammed) so better to confirm date with me in advance I will tie up with mgt.

and lastly - resident band will NOT play HOTEL CALIFORNIA!
Chanmin- Sori OT, Was your Pes Status Temp or Perm wen u were downgraded. If temp den dis kind of things happens. I used to handle Nsmen medical n IPPT matters in Army last time. Maybe can help u uncover some "loopholes".
Chanmin, just go see the specialist that treated u last time, comprain that u pain here pain there and ask him to write a 'powderful letter', then endorse at ur medical centre.

should be able to get Pes C again.. ;)
so this saturday confirmed???who is going???kindly let us know...bringing our guitars down?

If U guys on, just let me know .... I start there at 930pm 1st set...yeah Guitars BYO better.

Those who wanna jam can jam with us. Those who dowan to jam but wanna show off their axe can just bring down and do like "catwalk fashion show" struting around with their axe in the club? ;-)