Gear HELP!!!


New member
ok, here's the deal...
my friend has an Ibanez GAX30 guitar.
he complains often that that his guitar and amp, a Roland Cube 15watt (i think..or 10 watts) wounds really bad... the bass on distortion sounds all muddy and unclear...
his clean sound is not even completely clean... still very 'distorted' even at low volume levels....
he's wondering whether its the pickup problems (he's still using the STD H-1 and H-2 humbuckers that came with the guitar...), the guitar itself, or the amp...
but according to some topics on this and other forums, i had an impression that roland cube amps weren't THAT bad tone-wise right?
help me and my friend out here, thanks!
clean sound isn't completely clean? Since when are humbuckers designed to sound completely clean? Seriously speaking, it's the guitar/PU. The cube is a good amp. In fact, I think it's just your friend. I am okay with the H2 humbucker in my GSA60 and since ibanez GIOs basically use the same stuff, I bet there isn't much of a diff.

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