Gallery 2006

got it a year ago from G77 as well. so far it's still my most expensive guitar, but i'm happy with it despite the price :)
i strung my tele with 10s.... for an even darker, fuller-sounding tone.. it became even more to my liking after that switch, esp in the bride. you using the stock 9s?
hur hur you know them? haven't seen them in awhile. a little OT: did any of you guys play at SP yday? i took a look at the guitarist pedalboard and saw a pedal by blueark.
we did 2 sets.
Beatiful Love by The Afters, fortune faded, dani california. franz ferdinand stuff this boy, take me out. Muse time is running out. Last Dance with Mary Jane by Tom petty. Last Night by the Strokes... ehh what else.... we did a Fuel song as an encore.
First set:
Beautiful Love, This Fire, She will be loved, Fortune Faded, Are you gonna be my girl.

Second set:
Take me out, Dani California, Do you want to, Last night, Last dance of Mary Jane, Wake me up when blah blah blah, Time is running out, This Boy.

Haemorrasfjfweafege. I can never spell that. Haemoerrage? Hammereouge? Argh.
Hur hur hur proof enough?? :D

that would be me, blueark is the guy with the delay and wierd sounds hurhurhur and his personalised super custom yamaha.
enough! wa. so it's a yamaha. i was wondering what guitar that was. what was that red white pedal on blueark's board?
Red and white...


The top left one? It's my tremolo. Here's another, waiting for namle to confirm if he wants it.

wow actually i didn't notice alot of the pedals were made by you. only the white colour one on the right. but i saw the probe!
err jeans, black/dark brown billabong polo tee. that's it. i was checking out blueark's pedals at the 2nd set. don't think you guys saw me though, i didn't seat at the front. just one more teeny weeeny question before I'm done with off topic stuff. where do you guys get the housing/box for your custom pedals? I'm gonna make my own A/B switch, i can get a box from my lab, but it's plastic.