"G" saddle piece slipping..how to fix?


New member

my saddle piece on my G string of my epi dot seems to be slipping, causing the intonation to go off slightly.
I turn the screw to push it slightly further back but after a couple days it comes forward slightly and pushes the note just slightly off. It bugs me.

how would i prevent it from slipping forward anyone?

cheers =)
sounds to me like a worn out thread. I'd suggest replacing the entire bar of Tune-o-matic. probably the only way to go about it and it's not too expensive.

pictures might help us understand the situation more though. have your fingers crossed and hope that I'm wrong.
mm you mean a worn out thread on the screw?

Can't I just buy the screw then?! ha
I can't see anything wrong with the naked eye actually.
ah ha, that's where many people don't know. If you have a worn out thread on the screw, chances are the slot would be worn out as well. it works both ways. However, there is a chance that either one is not worn out. slim chance though.

have you taken out the screw to see for yourself?

the thread looks ok to me?

when you mean slot what slot were you referring to?

So where would I be able to get these parts in Singapore? I'm sure I'd be able to fix it DIY with the new parts if I can find them?
thanks so much!!! ha when you said not too expensive I'd thought 30 bucks.. those prices don't look 30 bucks! haha

The gear page had someone suggest putting a small dab of clear nail polish on the thread.. supposed to be a DIY "threadlocker" so i might try that tonight and see.
hmm, I'm sure they have cheaper parts by other brands. either that or you can head down to Music Theme to check out their "pro line" parts. I think they are made in Korea and could but around the $30 range.

nail polish / super glue are not permanent solutions but I guess they'd hold for a while. worth a shot. let us know if the problem still persists after that.