G.A.S Venting Point 2005


New member
Think, it might be pretty nice to share with each other what we are GASSING right now. So whether you are gassing over a certain guitar, amp, effects, strings or cables, put them right here. Good things are meant to be shared. :smt040 :smt046
Carvin CT6M

Probably not many of you know or are familiar with them. But this CT6M is currently on my number 1 GAS list.

wah sweet...looks like the Dean Hardtail a bit. was gassing over that. but now think maybe save up for the Boss ME-50....keke.
how much would that guitar above cost?
Oops - sorry. I guess I duplicated your idea in my new thread. Perhaps the SOFT dude can combine somehow? :oops:
Well, my whole rig was re done in the first few days of 2005,.. so am almost GAS cured, now i juz want the Ashdown bass amp theyre selling at Ranking music 100w for 280 sgd, sounds darn killer n a steal at the price,...
fibredrive said:
wah sweet...looks like the Dean Hardtail a bit. was gassing over that. but now think maybe save up for the Boss ME-50....keke.
how much would that guitar above cost?

Actually, the above picture is a bad representation for the guitar. The one reviewed on Guitar Player had a classic flame and a real vintage look.

Price wise I'm not too sure. I'm still waiting for Ranking to get back to me.
fibredrive said:
but looks like more than 2K guitar....sighz...mebbe some other time la...

It's ex, around 1.1 to 1.2k USD (might be more ex here due to duties, freight etc). True, but that's considered cheap when you take in the fact it's a made in US guitar. The closest similar guitar would be the PRS CU22 and it's around 2K USD (3750SGD). :smt002
waa a carvin!! i always lust for a carvin even if the 'seemingly low end' DC127 or sumthing like that

and current G.A.S. your parker nitefly! hahahah
so what are the other alternative of compressor pedals that were compared to the keeley comp? Old ross comp? The one where keeley clone it and sell till it make so much money....
Lifehouse said:
fibredrive said:
haiz...very nice guitar no doubt. spirit is willing but the flesh is not capable...haha.

It's GAS only. It can't hurt us. Haha. :smt003

I wish it were true .... GAS cost me SGD 16k in 2004. I'm gonna be eating plain bread for a long, long time. :lol:
wow the ct6m does look great!. Any one checked out the dillion guitars at gain10?... they look mighty fine for under 1k guitars. haizz if only they had maple fretboards.

as for compressors... the visual sound route 66 's compressor is pretty neat too. gets the job done and ofcourse u get a nice overdrive that comes with it.

the pedal to me is more of a Compressor with a overdrive function built in by the side. the OD is nothing like a ts-9..though very useable and sings.

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