Fuzz and Buffers, WHY!?!?


New member
Here's a funny funny funny thing that is happening.

I plug Guitar --> Tonefactor Huckleberry --> Boss DD-3 (in a TB Looper loop) --> Reverend Goblin.

When the Looper is OFF, DD-3 bypassed, I get tone ya? Duh. 8)

When the Looper is ON, I hear quite a bit of extra treble introduced to the tone.

Quite a bit is really quite a bit! Its like someone flipped an exicter on or something.

And it sucks. It sounds horrid. The smoothness of the Huck is totally lost and it becomes gritty.

The Huckleberry is a fuzz that combines a fuzz face with the tone stack of a Big Muff. That what they say it is. It does the 2 types of fuzzes.

Even on Big Muff "mode", the boss' buffer still introduces the sickening treble.

Tell me Boss' Buffer sucks or its just some strange phenom.

Note, when the DD-3 is ON, and in use, same thing happens. But got delay lah.
its just impedance matching issues that plague pedal builders.

some just can't be bothered by factoring that part of the equation in.
Between an old school type fuzz and a boss pedal, whats this impedance mismatch?

And a way to resolve it is to..... not use the delay? remove the dd-3's buffer?
design the fuzz pedal with a buffered output and make it sound good.

have you tried other pedals BEFORE the fuzz, buffered ones esp?

I've made a Jfet based overdrive that sounded great direct into the amp but uppermids/treble fest when used with other pedals. Could be my tonestack issue or something else.

I put in a buffer after the output and it still sounded like crap. Haven't got to work on it for a long time, more like... can't be bothered!
:lol: I only have 1.... no... yes, 1 buffered pedal thus far. CE-2 is being rehoused.

Oh! The Sansamps, the Original, its not True Bypass, I'll have to check that out.

Jfet od... liquid sunshine!

So, for the huckleberry, what should/might work is a buffered output? But it might/might-not work lah?
yeah something like that.

A buffered output or a "low impedance output" to be exact is important to make the pedals "talk" to each other in the same language.

In general, pedals should have a relatively high impedance input and a low impedance output. Mess that equation up and we'll be scratching our heads, why why why!!! It sounded sooo good when I was tweaking it thro that Bogner Uberschall!!!
haha... alright... so thats key, this impedance matching thing.

Thanks for the insights Edder, I'll check with Brad @ Tonefactor about this.
ShredCow said:
haha... alright... so thats key, this impedance matching thing.

Thanks for the insights Edder, I'll check with Brad @ Tonefactor about this.

don't say it came from me!! the extremely dodgy quack fx doctor from sg! :twisted:
There's this DIY projects for guitarist book that you might want to find on the national libraries. I seem to remember he had some solutions for impedance matching. And also some discussion on the topic.

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