Fund-Raising Concert - Will local bands be open to this?

Just a point of thought - I know you're looking at large numbers but roughly how many bands do you need? You may need to start sussing out bands you want if the number gets too large.
Hi TS,

We did a fundraiser for AWWA Early Child Center last November as a way to commemorate our 4th anniversary.

It's not an easy job and we were fighting against many other events which were happening out there. We lost out pretty badly and we had a really decent line-up, thanks to many of the bands (including those on our roster) which performed without payment. The Substation and Lee Kwong Seng came onboard as sponsors.

We barely raised $1000 for the school. It was pretty disheartening. If not for a private donor (an ex-boss who is so filthy rich that it's really disgusting), he donated another $2000 for us. If not for him, the whole exercise would have been pointless.

In addition, you will need to apply to the CID 2 weeks in advance to get a fund raising license. Please remember that you will need to submit all audited accounts for inspection. The accounts need to be audited by a professional firm or individual. I'm not too sure about this cuz I bypassed it totally. :P

Yeah, I broke some laws. Yeah...

But that last point is rather key cuz it makes the whole thing more transparent.

Yeah, everyone on this forum will wanna play in your show but you gotta think if they can add value to the show by drawing a huge crowd. People will hate me for saying this but sod off... the little girl needs to raise $0.5 million for her trip to go NYC for her cancer treatment.

So let's be practical here.
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Thanks guys, it's enouraging to note you guys are giving me great views on this.

With regards to the planning, we're getting down to business. Charlene (Charmaine's godmother) has just given me the green light.

If there are anyone else who're willing to sponsor the event in terms of sound/stage/performances/labour/ let me know. We'll be monitoring the thread closely, and one of the volunteers will be checking in quite often to see so that all opportunities are considered.

If you know contacts that'll help this event out, let us know too. We'll do our best to leave no stones unturned.

We're hoping to have the event at Fort Canning, but details are not confirmed yet.

If you need to contact me instead, email

P/S: We'll definitely do our best to make this a success. Ultimately it's about Charmaine. Rest assured we'll be looking for help in all areas as advised by Aging Youth (thanks!) and more. Stay glued to this thread for more updates!

Try Fort Canning Green. Seems to be more manageable. If you are looking at the park where LAMC does most of their concerts, it's gonna set you back by a bit. The stage and marquee will cost around $20 - 30K. That is without the arrays, backline, FOH and lighting.

You will be very hard-pressed to find a full sponsor.
cool...recapturing otellis is an awesome band. Watched them live before.

Instead of just hooking on the thread, why not start searching for sponsors? Make your way down to jamming studios. Strike a chat with them and get their responses about your plan. If you are lucky you might get a sponsor.

I support your cause and thoughts. Count me in. Do email me or pm me if you require any help.

Email Add :
I'm just amazed at how resourceful Charmaine's mom's is. I take my hat off to her. There are LOTS more children with neuroblastoma in Singapore, most of them presenting as stage 4, lots of them having little money. Most are treated in Singapore, but Charmaine's mom wanted the "best" in Sloan Kettering (who claim higher chances of cure), while many couldn't even afford thinking of it.

All the best for the fundraising.
well its good to see theres a camaderie existing among us in this matter...and i dont think selling tix will be a problem if it helps the cause.but i guess its all about our intentions its kinda..awkward to play the gig if the intention is to jus play for free and fame and the kid's health becomes a secondary purpose.but im sure there are ppl out there who genuinely wants to do this to help out the girl.lets all jus pray for the best and do wad we can...
Another Update!

Hi guys

Just to keep y'all posted here =)

Firstly Whatlah, I've emailed you lah. =)

For the bands who've volunteered your services up here, thank you! We're looking into the co-ordination.

Yup, we've got the problems Aging Youth faced. But with his advice and our experience, we are confident we can work through anything.

Currently the event is slated to happen end of July (yes, that weekend). The dates, we're STILL fixing it with the venue, but short of saying it's confirm (nothing is, till we secure the venue), look forward and spread the word currently yea?

Event: Saving Charmaine - Live Your Life 2009
Venue: TBA (don't worry, there will be a place!)
Date: 25th July weekend (1-day or 2-day event, we'll let you know)
Timing: Late afternoon till night

We're currently working on this. There're about 10 volunteers working VERY hard, I have to give them due recognition. Remember guys, we're all in this for Charmaine. I'll do everything I can to ensure this event goes through, with the help of our volunteers.

About the stage performance, I was wondering if you guys know anyone who can do a Micheal Jackson impersonation and would like to perform. Be it a band, or someone who looks/acts/dances like him, we'll like to have them up on the show as well. It'll be great for diversity.

Very soon we'll be looking at releasing info bit by bit. And I'll probably beg James to get us free publicity for the event on Soft. So stay tuned on the best music forum in Singapore! =)

And do remember to buy the tickets when it's out on sale! We don't know how much her other expenses will be, and so we aim to help as much as we can. Your purchase will go a long way in helping those around her - it's hard to worry about Charmaine's condition. It's worse when you have to think about money.

So publicise on your facebook/twitter/sms/msn/other social media to raise awareness about the event that'll be happening. We will definitely provide you with links and info very soon.

Cheers guys, I'm glad we're all in this together.

About the stage performance, I was wondering if you guys know anyone who can do a Micheal Jackson impersonation and would like to perform. Be it a band, or someone who looks/acts/dances like him, we'll like to have them up on the show as well. It'll be great for diversity.


i recommend bro Faizal_rocks! ahahahha
we've got to be careful to do justice to the family and the spectators by picking bands of a certain standard and certain fanbase , and not those who want to use the concert as a free platform to publicise themselves.
Me and faizalrocks are in a band doing hendrix, rush, deep purple and cream covers. We'd be happy to be a part of this.

Automated Time Machine (post-rock) will also be glad to help out for a great cause.

I'd be happy to volunteer my services too whether it be for event coordination, ticketing, PR or emcee-ing.

Hope everything works out, and God bless the child.