Friday The 13th!!!!

wah? friday the 13th?

wahahahaha then tomorrow is saturday the 14th , got gig at scape.

then sunday is 15th got gig at fortcanning i think... ahhahahahahaha

then today is lucky day since no school!
guess what guys.i cracked the screen on my wonderful and now im losing my mood and appetite not because of the mp3 tho.

friday the 13th sucks.
why do people believe in such superstition anyways?
your day and luck is what you make of it. not some random day on the 13th...

you might as well be having bad luck on anydays, but you just seem to shrugg it off as its just a normal day.

bad luck on a friday the 13th and it seems to be such a big matter.

come one peopel break free from the circle.
I hate bad luck. I never managed to get enough of it to kill me.

They did an experiment and found that mostly positive people have good luck. Go figure.
its the guy wif the hockey mask lah hes the guy who started it i think or was it the other guy wif the long sharp fingernails ?
Ah... The interesting thing is that Loki, the thirteenth god, is the god of mischeif. And the 13th disciple of Jesus betrayed him. Hence the stigma, or vice versa?..
eh friday the 13th came out way b4 the film "friday the 13th" came out.
and the guy w the long fingernails is freddy kruger.
he's from "nightmare on elm street"

well friday the 13th is my lucky day. hahaha
u see ah...
everyone gets down on luck right... so their good luck seepd out and has to go somewhere.
so... i'm the rubbish collector over there taking everyone's good luck lo.

well juz a joke la yeah? anyway it's juz superstition. i don't even believe in friday the 13th. juz funny how pple blame their luck on this day.

and... happy sat. the 14th!