fretboard problem


New member
everytime i excecute bends,vibratos,anything that rubs the string against the strings would scratch the fretboard and results in very sloppy playing i can feel the friction of the string and wood everytime i do bendings,and when i inspect my strings after playing.Therewill be bits of wood on the under of the strings and lined scratch marks on my fretboard.can someone tell me how to fix this problem?
huh? You mean your strings kind of carve off the fretboard when u do bendings? Hmm, not too sure, izzit possible that u have a short fret?
yes the string scratches my fretboard i can see small lines made by the it because the string is too rusty?
your guitar probably has vintage-styled frets i guess? these are small and low, so when u depress your strings hard they always contact the fretboard

if your strings are rusty, the damage to ur fretboard will be worse.

perhaps the only way to avoid this is to upgrade to bigger frets?
I totally agree with MrE, your strings do not touch your fretboard when you depress it. Even if it does, only minimally.

But refretting will cost quite a sum, again, what guitar are you using? If it's not one of those super high-end axes, or one you are extremely attached to, it'd really be more worth it to just get a new axe.
im using one of those washburn x series models.I don't know about vintage-styled frets my guitar doesnt seem to have it,just the normal frets.
Well, what string guage do you use?

Over which frets, what strings, does the problem happen?

It looks to me that its either you are using a very light string guage, or you have a heavy touch, or both, or your frets are worn at certain places.
i think my string guage is quite light.It occurs when i do bendings around 7-12fret for first string and 2nd string.I can actually feel the string slicing into my fretboard. :? I also got another problem,everytime i play on my 2nd string from 5th fret onwards if i pick hard or do bends on it.theres a squeaking rattling sound and i can only bend a certain amount before the sound occurs and my bending sound is cut off.
bizzynick said:
i think my string guage is quite light.It occurs when i do bendings around 7-12fret for first string and 2nd string.I can actually feel the string slicing into my fretboard. :? I also got another problem,everytime i play on my 2nd string from 5th fret onwards if i pick hard or do bends on it.theres a squeaking rattling sound and i can only bend a certain amount before the sound occurs and my bending sound is cut off.

The last issue you described is fretting out. Quite rare for that to happen to your guitar..

I sense your frets are worn
OR your action may be too low..

Combined with what seems to be a heavy touch on your part..
the rattling when you pick hard on the 2nd string after the 5th fret sounds like action is too low
the squeaking (when u bend, presumably) is prob due to rusty or worn frets
bizzynick said:
everytime i excecute bends,vibratos,anything that rubs the string against the strings would scratch the fretboard and results in very sloppy playing i can feel the friction of the string and wood everytime i do bendings,and when i inspect my strings after playing.Therewill be bits of wood on the under of the strings and lined scratch marks on my fretboard.can someone tell me how to fix this problem?

my fretboard wood is rosewood.Well i don't think its because of rust or worn out frets,because i just changed my string yesterday.I have a feeling its the action of my guitar,how do you tell if the action is low,how low is low?
popeye said:
bizzynick said:
everytime i excecute bends,vibratos,anything that rubs the string against the strings would scratch the fretboard and results in very sloppy playing i can feel the friction of the string and wood everytime i do bendings,and when i inspect my strings after playing.Therewill be bits of wood on the under of the strings and lined scratch marks on my fretboard.can someone tell me how to fix this problem?


Haha beat me to it.