here's the additional batch i tried to raise, based on the emaill requests i received. No more after this. Will update u guys if they'll be included in the first batch arrival. Cross your fingers...
Additional orders
gerald wow skull sticker wings wing-skull/whitesilver[rdl-8003-wt]
gerald wow sharktooth inlays position-shark fin/whitesilver[rdp-9516-w]
gerald wow skull fretboard inlays position-skull[spb-100]
doggieshaman bird fretboard inlays white position-birds/whitesilver[rdp-9517-w]
doggieshaman cloud fretboard inlays position-cloud nine(whitesilver)[jk-1001]
doggieshaman rosette rosette strip(ocher)[rss-200]
ladyintears pyramid fretboard inlays position-pyramid(gyp) inlay stickers for guitar[pyd-101]
ladyintears stars fretboard inlays position-sambora's stars stickers for guitar[sp-100]
ladyintears 4 stickers 4symbols inlay sticker (q-decal) for guitar[rds-03011]
crozzfire bird sticker position-birds/green[bpr-106]
crozzfire lizard sticker 12th fret position mark/lizard[rdp-9055]
king diamond skull fretboard inlays position-skull[spb-100]