Frank and Brians dislike for metal and love for jazz@Tanglin C.C

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wow you guys should reali check this out:

We have a very selfless nice mr Eric doing all the gud stuff for us at soft and T.C.C and some ah pek came genre blasting for no reason and no provoking leh......aiyoh y like tat...:(

Quote from Frank:

Yet...did we say we hate metal/hardcore/etc per se? We are saying we dislike music badly executed. Just creating ear shattering decibels and distortion with meaningless lyrics and adopting a ridiculous attitude AIN'T music. It's just juvenile crap comparing whose dick is bigger.....and most kids grow out of it ..maybe except you.

Of course it's here to stay...for now...just like adolescent pimples, bad breath and suicide does not mean we have to praise it. By all means do your thing in a stadium or the East Coast park..but why spoil my peaceful afternoon at a little pub that is not the appropriate place for this (I'll be polite) Stuff. If you play this "stuff" quietly..I'll withdraw my statements...BUT THE SKILL AND TOUCH JUST ISN'T THERE IS IT?
Double pedal ? Big deal.... is that music or pure athletic training? Gimme a break !!

Maybe you would like to call your stuff music.... but we - and most intelligent musicians around the world - feel otherwise



Is your mind open enough to see the XXXXX value in a pile of poop? How about the ;artistic; nuances in a pile of rotting rubbish baking in the sun? If you're able to discern and discriminate over these things that are truly artless and unworthy of merit, how can you logically defend and support a genre of music that suffers the same relationship of similarities? If your own mind isn't open enough to see XXXX value in a pile of poop, or a rotting pile of sun-baked rubbish, then please stop braying self-righteously to those of us who know the difference and discern the obvious

Our Eric was a quietgentleman who wanted peace. but mr brian was seemingly agitated and trited provoking a response...aiyah...y like tat leh....just chill la..:


OK. So now the. . .XXXX is over and there is no report on the aftermath?! How many casualties of broken ear drums, busted heads or broken jaws—and other assorted body parts? Did the drums survive? Were there any prizes given out for the best body piercings? For the weirdest, ugliest tatoo? Any prizes for the most ripped blue jeans, or the most body odor? Any broken windows? Were the cops called in for altercations? Bar fights? How about ambulances? Hello? HELLO??! Was there any BLOOD??!


usually i have alot of respect for elder musicians...its disheartening to know that some elder musiciansle are harbouring such narrow tots even at such a seasoned musicial level.....i hope those blues and jazz lao jiaos i have played with are not secretly laughing at my rock riffs behin my back....please....give me a chance.....i will switch to jazz soon..i promise i will be guD! i just dont have the "skill" and "class" yet and i play with too many "athletic" guys wearing ripped jeans ....

by the way the ripped jeans allows us to open the legs wider...its reali for balance and has got absoluely nuthing to do with watsoever else. difinately nuthing to do with style and coolness. tats for kids la plssssss.

anyway....lets not turn this thread into a genre blasting bloody trail that brian wanted.....please lets just all respect each other like guddy softies.

PEACE. btw i love jazz AND metal.
Never really liked that place. The people there THINK they are too 'atas'.

IMO, Music is an expression of one's self. FULLSTOP. How you do it it's your problem.
i've read the whole thread from head to toe. rebellion is a form of expression is it not? thoughts on suicide too, and so are all the civil disobedience and what not that they have mentioned (too lazy to go back and quote). since music is a form of self expression through melody and harmony or whatever, then expressing those feelings through songs, however the songs are, is music already. of course if u say those bands performing at carnival of chaos dont have touch and skill, of course u cant compare them with the great legends, they are legends for a reason. but then again, everyone's improving albeit at a different speed.

but why am i making my argument here when most ppl here are alr on the same side -_-
heh, interesting response somehow.

Anyway, Mr Frank has been around for a long while, i remember reading what he wrote way back in 2002/2003 in another local forum, on music(jazz) and some rhyming poem arguments. He can be pretty harsh, but funny sometime. End of the day, its prolly another internet soap opera. Most would prolly move on to other things, soon.
Old people are funny.

Anyway, here are some words of immortal wisdom by the sagely Spinal Tap......

“Start playing loud when you’re young, and you’ll be one step ahead of the game. If you start off playing soft, it will get you into a lot of bad habits. Terrible, terrible, habits. Look at these jazz people. Of course they play soft. It’s a trick so you can’t hear them.”—Nigel Tufnel

Let's leave the discussion in that forum and not spill over to SOFT. Will close this thread for now.
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