I feel like shit.
I need some vodka, I haven't had any for 22222222222 years, and I can get drunk, then you people can do whatever the hell you want with me, especially boiling me in soup.
I know there's something else you want us to do to you when you're drunk, dx. And getting boiled in the soup is definitely not what you want. Haha.
Candie, I think you can check the paper that's given to us by the school. You know the one that has the whole nation's timetable? Lol. We can check from that paper, when the Olvls officially end. Yeah.
Everyone has done it dude, that's what shifts are for.
Well, you can all boil me in soup or *cough* do something else.
sorry, I'm still feeling.
*Cuts wrist
haha I've seen too many videos of what they do to drunk friends at American college parties.............
There was one where they balanced all sorts of stuff on him while he was sitting down sleeping, one where they duct taped him to the wall, uhh another where they launched a firework out of his ass.....