hmm.. i dunno bout u guys but my teachers actually worked their asses off harder than we the students did.. hahaha!!
they practically gave the 2 weeks break a last minute ditch attempt to help those who wanna get a1's... after school classes we're held till late and all that...
hell, my english teacher gave her students a 2 hours worth of good tips to apply to the paper one of english.. learn some complex sentence structure and applied em..
but i guess thats why i got a b4.. if not a c5.. hahaha.. i give all my sincere thanks to my teachers.. especially my english teacher, my chemistry teacher..
MISS THIRU!! im sure some of u would know her...

... initially called me a no hope guy from sec 3 until late sec 4, than she came clean and told me u can get a1... hahaha... but i got a grade lower than a1... but still i made her happy which's what ALL teachers wants to see when their students smile and tears of joy comes out as they know a birght future awaits em...
so guys, if u haven't studied for ur o's.. DO IT RIGHT NOW... don't procrastinate..... i started late though but my teachers push me all the way to the end.. unless u have that kinda teachers, but it all depends ON YOU!
my class motto: