be wary of cheap FR bridges. they have a tendency not to stay in tune. the cheapest option for a good trem is a Gotoh FR.
cheap metal? poor construction? bad design? most of the problems boil down to cheap materials used.
have you tried a FR equipped guitar that is within the $100-$200 range? did you abuse the trem? did it stay in tune? if not, why?
i dont abuse the trem,but i just want a cheap trem that cool handle easy not routing the cavity,so its only in "dive mode"
if it doesn't say Floyd Rose on it, then it's not an original unit. we refer to other bridges conveniently as a 'floyd rose' by virtue of its function- a locking whammy bridge but in essence, it's not one. there are licensed Floyd Rose units which aren't as effective. the reputable alternatives (more affordable as well) are the ones made by Gotoh & Schaller.
what exactly did you see @ Ranking Sports?
Ranking's one is 60 bucks, but it looks really dodgy.