Fixing Bass Amplifier..


New member
Hey, do u guys know where can i send to fix my bass amp?

Cause i think theres a problem with the switch..

cause everytime i press the switch, the light keep going on and off, until i off and on alot of time then the light will stay on, if not the amp will off..

my bass is ard 15 watts..

so just might wanna know where can i get it done, cost ard how much..

thanks :D
for this kind of thing, you need to find a guy called MIKEMANN.

he used to be in these forums. i dunno if he is still active. he used to run a studio in balestier. i don't know if it still exists.

i don't think he will charge much if its a simple job
Hey, do u guys know where can i send to fix my bass amp?

Cause i think theres a problem with the switch..

cause everytime i press the switch, the light keep going on and off, until i off and on alot of time then the light will stay on, if not the amp will off..

my bass is ard 15 watts..

so just might wanna know where can i get it done, cost ard how much..

thanks :D

You may be lucky and be able to fix the switch with contact cleaner. This can be bought from places like Sim Lim Tower (not Square). It sounds like the internal contacts of the switch are not clean and this will fix them if this is the problem - I have had success with this in the past with problem amps. If it doesn't then the switch will have to be changed.

It's a quick fix and a cheap one ($5 or so a can) if you are lucky.

Try it first.


The thing is, i dont really know hw to do..
is there any music shop or any shop could do cheap servicing for a small amp..?
cause ive check out a shop at sim lim square, fixing speakers and amps, the cost is ard 40 bucks just to fix the switch..-.-'' is there anyway..? help??
No on will repair an amp for less than that, parts included. I'm not in Singapore, but I still don't see it as possible.

If you want to try the cleaner, then buy a can, turn off and unplug the amp from the wall. Spray the cleaner into the switch and turn it on an off about a dozen times. Leave it ten minutes for the cleaner to evaporate and then try turning the amp on. If the problem is fixed, great. If it is still there, but not as bad, repeat the process.

Hope all goes well for you.
It really depends on the complexity of the job. I once had amp problem, thing wouldnt even switch on. Mikemann changed the fuse. Turned out to be a very simple job. He charged me just 5 bucks. So do a search. Mikemann.
erm i used a ashdown five fifteen 100w amps and somehw the fuse blew. Mine fren bought a new fuse to put it back but it blew again so does anyone know where can i get it repaired.