fixed bridges

fixed bridge = fixed bridge, no tremolo.

fixed edge bridge... never heard of it. Is this an ibanez thing?
Its actual name is the FX-Edge bridge.

It is similiar to an Ibanez Edge design, but its fixed lah. Has fine tuners. Has a locking nut.

This design makes a LOT of sense actually.

When it was first released, a lot of ppl diss-ed it as an over-engineered thing.

It would be if you didn't downtune.

If you do downtune a lot, this thing is AMAZING.

Everything can be found on
the term 'floating' implies the ability to actually whammy the bridge (movements via whammy bar manipulations). when it's 'fixed', it stays put.
Freak Talkin W ?? :roll: ??

somebody help me with the 'W'.....

got it = Warbish.....

Freak Talkin Warbish

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