Fishing Thread

i remember fishing at yishun or was it yio chu kang and lower pierce... But my favourite was still pasir ris. Cause got no seaweed and go there confirm catch something:)
if only mermaids existed:neutral:

hahaha wth. it'd be nice if you fish then you catch ariel the little mermaid or something.

i fished lots of times. but i caught a fish once only. and that was at pulau blakang padang. beginners luck i guess. haha was i a boat. bored cos no catch. then got something pull. haha my first fish. dunno wad fish but in the end i at it. RAW.

haha no lah just kidding.

dude pontianaks. scary stuff. but not scary ah if you talk to them. they're friendly. yea. they're the last friend you'll ever have.
ahahah i'm kidding. yes if you see one. don't run. try to act cool. at most they'll get attracted to you. haha jkjk

alrighty then. back to fishing.
Fitch where did you fish?open sea?

Usually i'll fish at Punggol. Occasionally i'll head down to JB where my uncle has a boat. Good fishing spots are the kelongs that you see from the Tuas 2nd link. Lots of groupas, catfish, and red snappers.
if only mermaids existed:neutral:

Let's go night fishing and bring a few guitars and make noise.


I usually go to Labrador Park.

But not for fishing.


Fishing up this dead thread LOL :)

I'm going fishing at Punggol Jetty this Sunday afternoon with fellow softies. Anyone interested to join...PM me. Some dude caught a freaking huge diamond trevally last week!!!