First Ever Band that Inspired you To Take on Your Instrument

nobody starts music here by listening to chinese music??


I'm a big fan of mayday, they are one of the main reason y i am playing guitar 2day.. of coz there is the japanese dir en grey that got me real crazy about distortion lead solo.. lol..

btw, juz back from Mayday Jump World Tour 2007! Gotta say its a freaking good show! even dream theater or malmsteen can't win thier stage presence and power that they transmit to the fans by music! Amazing!!
definitely the Beatles for me. Watched them on TV, i think it was the Live at Shea Stadium concert or A Hard Day's Night movie, with all those screaming girls, and thought: "Now that's a good job!"

Abandoned my piano for a classical guitar 'cos couldn't afford electric. Mucho later got my first electric...!
Gr3y: wow,thats a strong statement bro,mayday fans would likely shout 'hell yeah!!' when they read your post,but hardcore malmsteen fans would track your ip adress n get your real adress to beat you up in real life,get what im trying to say? :lol: :lol: it's all based on personal preference
first ever band huh.. it was my uncle's band.. they played stuffs from deep purple, black sabbath, iron maiden and such, and they're still going on till nw.. really respect those old people..

they made me realize u dun have to be wear black leather or have big hair, and anyone can do it.

3 chords, a red guitar, and a dream...

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