Fight Club

I actually like chinese martial arts a lot. But I don't mean Bruce Lee or Jackie Chan.

I think of Ermei and Wudang. Haha. That's then power!

And I think Jet Li is really good with his hands.
bjj is cool to watch cause these fighters dislocate limbs and stuff (im pretty sadistic) ...and i had the perfect view of one! but it's prolly just strange to people who dont know what bjj is cause it just looks like men humping each other...if you know what i mean? anyway, muay thai's the way to go! girls need no fighting skills, all we need to do is a diagonal kick right into the balls if sexually harrassed by a man. haha! plus the waikhru's cool too.
yeah guys get pwned pretty easily.
i remember sparring when i was..5 i think.
kicked my opponent in his nuts by accident,
he collapsed crying but i wasn't warned.

his fault for not wearing a cup guard :P
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yeah theknees muay thai is the way to and grimster might pickup muay thai anytime soon.
yeah muay thai is cool.
thought of taking it up but decided to continue tkd cos it would be a waste if i left it at a poom belt.
haha not all men will succumb to a hit in the nuts. One of the toughest men I've ever fought when I was younger were the Gurkas in the police regiment. Even if they got a bloodied eye or got hit in the groin accidentily, they just won't stay down. It's scary when someone keeps getting up and fight you to the bitter end no matter how much you throw at him, even if it's just a sparring session. I can see why they are put in the frontlines in some armies. They rather die than lose a battle. Respect.

Just a little history to share. Back in 1995, I chanced upon meeting an unassuming 'Van Damme' lookalike Muay Thai boxer from Finland who had trained in Thailand for 3 years with friends and won a few tournaments there and Europe. We hooked up because I overheard him at Liang Seng enquiring about finding a kickboxing gym to train. There weren't any gym of that sort here then but I had all the mobile training equipment. My first experience with Muay Thai was humbling. Even when I was holding 3-inch thick arm pads, his powerful round kicks not only shook me violently but also left blue-black marks on my forearms. Never happened with TKD kicks before. His grappling with multiple knee strikes were just scary. Punch-kick combos were so quick and compact. Not being an authorised martial art then, I continued to train with him for 2 years at the empty decks of Capitol carpark and eventually under the umbrella of a boxing gym. In 1997, a big Canadian kickboxer (American rules) started training at the boxing gym and took notice of us. He was twice my size and challenged me to a friendly fight in the ring. Didn't turn out that friendly as the big man's power punches made me see green stars while he couldn't quite handle kicks below his torso and close range knees & elbows. It was his first encounter with Muay Thai and we trained for a short while there later. It might have left an impression on him cuz in 1998, while I was studying overseas, my training partner wrote an email, informing me that he went on to register the sport with a few partners, opened Singapore's first Muay Thai gym in Kembangan, and held the first championship with invited Thai officials. I would later see it kick-off similar gyms and popularise the sport here in later years. Though I never got back into any martial arts since returning in 2000, I am proud to have contributed in a small part in paving the way for Muay Thai to be a legitimate sport in Singapore.
Muay Thai is probably one of the top 3 recognised arts that actually prepare you for death pacts. If you've been training since 6, starting from Taekwondo or Karate, it's advisable to pick up new schools every 4 years.

Muay Thai would come at a later stage, say around 15, when you've developed the bones and are already comfortable drumming on your shins - most of the air bubbles have completely burst (medically so, but most people just call them "fat" or some other incorrect term).

And man..the really young Muay Thai kids I've met are literally HARD.

Btw, Gurkhas actually never fought a battle. They were killing themselves before they got it on, that's why they've been (exploited) in the frontlines since the British Raj. Not just respectable, but honourable. And of course, scary. You don't want to stare at them, at least not while they're on duty. They've got license to kill and they train in almost all of their remaining (free) time, so they tend to be tougher than the average fighter or soldier.
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ALL OUT WAR!!! Any style fighters welcome

Yo fighters and wannabes, think you champ in da hood?

PM me: name(space)fight(space)ratsx for comps here and now. we'll talk from there. sky rocket yo rep, score some dimes and get da chicks, yo dig?? No wussies in da house aight.:twisted:

peace mofos.

Yo fighters and wannabes, think you champ in da hood?

PM me: name(space)fight(space)ratsx for comps here and now. we'll talk from there. sky rocket yo rep, score some dimes and get da chicks, yo dig?? No wussies in da house aight.:twisted:

peace mofos.


yo im da champ in the hood, aight
I don't mind if you laugh but my style is the way of the pacifist :) Sun Tzu's ideal of preventing a fight without violence. Also inspired by the legendary samurai, Miyamoto Mushashi who beat an opponent not with his sword but with wit. I personally find this psychological style more civilised, interesting and practical in daily life which I prefer to develop. .

Yes I practise this too..

though I have been known to whack one or two idiots over the head with skateboards & duke it out with a lotta assholes in my old neighbourhood in Tanglin Halt (the infamous 10 storey - Chap lau) in my younger days when I was less patient.
i am surprised no one mentioned Capoiera? Hahah...wellwell. I would see any form of martial art would much depend on the practitioner itself.. But jiujitsu for the win =)
lol kimbo slice has no skill, hes just as bad as brock lesnar, except with more ground training and jiu jitsu training brock lesnar will definately become a beast