Fender Precision bass thread

subversion said:
totally forgot about the 51 re-issue (jap) which i really like... 8)


Amen, bro!

Of all the latter day P Basses that I've tried, this is the one that really got my attention!

Tried the MIJ one at the Swee Lee warehouse some years back.....really nice, transparent tone. It was ballsey, yet had a decent amount of high end grit to it.

Nice, vintage-style tone, with enough presence to cut through, while still maintaining the transparency and meatiness of a P Bass. Stellar!
Yeah mr.issac, its a badass 2. Quite the punch meister, sits nicely in a rock mix, sticks out like a meanie third-finger mids-wise, a tad brighter than most P's (i think). Looking foward to your review sometime.
3notesAbar said:
Yeah mr.issac, its a badass 2. Quite the punch meister, sits nicely in a rock mix, sticks out like a meanie third-finger mids-wise, a tad brighter than most P's (i think). Looking foward to your review sometime.

Eh, can you pleasepleaseplease do a sample recording (pick/no pick) on the special in passive (or flat) mode, tone knob wide open and the neck pickup only? I'm trying to figure out if getting the Badass II and sticking it on my P would make a difference or not.
GAS! GAS! GAS!! Okay set ah! I'll get a Fender Precision by end of the year!! UGH!!
*run around and scream like small kid*

Kk sorry, I'm going crazy seeing you guys talking about Fender Precision and stuff. Hope can get one myself by end of the year... Ahaha
all this talk about Precisions makes me REALLY GAS for one.. dam 3notesabar you should stop showing your beautiful fenders :oops:
does anyone know where i can find the sx pbasses like the ones on rondo's website?
other than davis... they only bring in the starter jazz paackage right?
reyrey: Yup... MIJ and I bought the pickguard after the bass arrived.

3nab: Thanks man! I wish I could say my playing skills were as good as my photos :( Still a long long way to go...
I'm not sure how it would sound in person, but the soundclips sound good, bro!

Sounds like you got yourself a keeper! The P Pickup sounds good, with good transparency and just enough gonads to ensure that you can be heard in the mix.

The slap sound is wicked, man......it's got that nice, compressed tone of a Jazz Bass with both pickups on, but with more grind and balls to it.

Good stuff! :twisted: