Fender Precision bass thread


New member
Calling out to P bass fanatics... Anyone here actually tried MIA MIM MIJ P basses and have comments on a comparison basis?
i've tried MIJ and MIA...
well,MIJ one is good la,i like the workmanship,top notch bro...
for MIA....the neck is smooth because its satin finish and the tone is more even coz got graphite bar installed....
for MIM,didnt dare to buy one,the price almost the same like MIJ but the quality,phew,lotsa diff,MIJ still better IMO...
MIJ and MIA,hard to say,two of them got advantage...depends on preference i think
I've tried the MIMs before, and I think they're really really muddy sounding....

For the price I would have to pay for those, I'd rather save up a little and spend it on Vintage MIJs.
i would rank them in this order ( from lowest quality to highest ):


@reyrey: i thought only the MIMs and MIJs had satin finish while the MIA had a different finish? i could be wrong on this :oops: just wanting to clarify!
rylche: sorry for not being clear bro,what i meant is MIA neck is satin finish,hehehe,easier to speed and suit my taste la :wink:

fender vintage p bass really bang for bucks la,where else can you find good quality vintage bass @ $1.2k
reyrey said:
fender vintage p bass really bang for bucks la,where else can you find good quality vintage bass @ $1.2k

You don't say! Reminds me of a serious period of GAS when I was grovelling for a '65 Fender P Bass.....didn't have the cash tho'.... :(
Only good P bass I tried so far was a '60s Fender P.... bloody kick ass, can't look at other P basses the same after that. I do hope to acquire a good ash body P though.... heh
i wouldn't mind a Fender Precision with Ash body and Black PG :D looks so awesome!! think of marcus miller's bass.
Ken said:
Only good P bass I tried so far was a '60s Fender P.... bloody kick ass, can't look at other P basses the same after that. I do hope to acquire a good ash body P though.... heh

+1 for '60s P Basses, bro.....

Only thing is that the reverse geared machine heads of the '60s P Basses are a little hard to get used to.

By the way, the one that I tried had an Alder body, maple neck and rosewood fretboard. Really nice, round sound.
i've tried the mij basswood p and the mim one with the emg pickup at G77. both didn't really impress me that much. the tokai hard puncher at guitar connection was much better. very nice punchy sound. haven't had the chance to try out a mia P.
Don't know about you guys, but I personally don't like P Basses manufactured from the '90s onwards....I just find that they lack tone.....all of those which I've have tried and liked are from the '60s and '70s.

The newer ones tend to sound very muddy and they lack transparency. Might be a personal thing, but they really don't do it for me.

They don't make 'em like they used to.
totally forgot about the 51 re-issue (jap) which i really like... 8)

i dont really like the '51's headstock. too.. steinberger(?) for me. heh. i prefer the American Std. Fender Ps and Js' headstock. to me, how the bass looks is also a factor when i want to purchase one. if i really hate its looks but it sounds awesome, i would find it hard to pick it up and play with it.
Steinberger? Aren't like they known for headless instruments?
But yeah, when buying a bass, you have to be happy with everything. :D
erm...i think i have the same taste as Rentabass =) im crazy bout 62' p bass MIA,damn,its just bloody hot,make me wanna sell everything that i own to cash converter...just to get the bass...one day i must own it :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Since we're on the topic of p-basses, just to clarify. For reissues, there are the MIJ ones... are the MIA ones? cos i'm quite sure there are...

and if there are, how much does a MIJ one cost and MIA one cost?

I bought a 62 reissue 2nd hand years back, and it'll be painful if i overpaid for it... heh.
There are definitely American ones out there. The MIJ reissues are actually lower cost alternatives to the MIA ones. I can't attest to the price tho', but when I was buying my MIJ '75 Reissue Jazz Bass, the price diff between the MIJ and MIA was staggering.

I only remember that the price was high enough to make me forget about it, hence I have no recollection of how much they cost. :oops:
my first bass was an MIM fender precision outfitted with 1/4 pounders. As a young player it was great holding such an instrument. as my ears and tastes developed, i started to find that the tone was muddy and doesn't cut thru a mix during rehearsals, 'specially when playing thru 15" speakers. shoddy workmanship also cost me a warping neck and a tone pot which got buggered.

i did extend a few more plays with it when i bought an eq pedal and managed to get a certain punch out of it, but nothing i really wanted to keep in the long term.

for a fender, MIMs just don't cut it, they're worth starting out on if you get a decent price on it (i paid 400 for mine), but as a mainstay in any rig whether studio or live, its got to go..