Fender, Ibanez, Gibson, Epiphone IMMITATIONS!!

FullMetalJacket said:
I heard that a real fender guitar's cost price is only $200 :lol: not sure whether it's MIM or... :oops: correct me if im wrong

$200? Cant be man.. The pickups, the worksmanship, the entire body construction worths more than that..
You aint see this... :lol:


Disgusting!!! :x

Don't even have the brains to make their own Sh*t, everytime must copy...Even then, can't even imitate properly...(Pwee Chow Nua.. :evil: )

Even if they make exact copy, a Fender would be Gender or Bender or Tender or Pender..

The only reason i would buy Sh*t like that, is to have it smashed and thrashed on stage.... :x
Actually I do surf some China guitar sites. I think the fakes appeared initially because there was a demand for 仿琴 (faked guitars, as how they call it), not many can afford real expensive guitars..

In fact, there are many chinese SQ lovers... Fakes also got grading actually...:)
those fakes are damn ugly la! i guess ppl want the "brand" even it they cant afford it, but just get a lousy one with no brand and not so malu if ppl find out u buy fake stuff!
tany said:
but just get a lousy one with no brand and not so malu if ppl find out u buy fake stuff!

LOLL! same thing applies to fake rolex watches and fake abercrombie shirts,but ppl won't know it until they really find out! fake ones still look cool.....from far view! :wink: just don't let guitarists know your fake guitars
honestly, if they played well(which some of us would highly doubt so). id buy it and then do something to remove the labels on the headstock.
Haha anyone ever bothered ordering one to hear and feel how it's like? Tell us if u have.

If you think this is bad... look at what the Russians used to use in the past!!