Fav food


New member
Just a stupid post, LoL. This is a kopi tiam rite? Haha..

What's your favourite local food and where in Singapore do you think sells the best? :p

Mine probably has to be white chicken rice and my fav stall is located at the basement of katong shopping centre. Very tender and freshly cooked chicken, and the soup they serve you is heavenly! Have not gone there for ages though..
Clementi near Blk 328, forgot is what block...the coffeshop named "Kopitiam" has the best wan tan noodles ever, i mean EVER, cos of the chilli they use, i tried ordering without chilli once, turned out only so-so..lol...

Simei, a coffeeshop beside the MRT station called "Hola", my favourite Indian rojak ever...lol...cos unlike many indian rojak stalls, they always cook a new batch of ingredients everyday instead of continuing to sell the leftovers from the day before. The "chul"(is it what its called? the red gravy i mean.) is also damn good!

"traditional laksa" from a shop in Blk 85, fengshan market, waaaaa...its nicer than any "katong laskas" though i love katong laksa too!

Simpang bedoks "Milo dinosaur", its so filling, I wont have any appetite left for the prata!

Ramly burger(provided its cooked in the way i like it)..lol...Most ramly stalls are manned by rude dudes who use chilli sauce, but I once encountered a very unique Ramly stall, he was very friendly to me(im chinese, they normally ignore/give chinese second class service), and he even added cheese for me at no extra cost! The best part was the chilli powder used instead of the typical chilli sauce...A heavenly ramly indeed!
hahaha nothing beats the chilli crab sold in singapore man. and omg the pasar malam food! everything there's good! tea egg tea egg!

I like katong laksa too not only because it's tasty, the noodles come in bite size lengths too and you only use a spoon with no chopsticks, lol. I am too lazy to use chopsticks, plus, i hate slurping the noodles and risk getting gravy all over you.

Pepper : How about Jalan Kayu's Roti Prata? Well, prata does come in colors, that is, if you order ice cream prata, haha. I love it too!
hush-d said:
hahaha nothing beats the chilli crab sold in singapore man. and omg the pasar malam food! everything there's good! tea egg tea egg!

Chili crab!!! Too bad it's so expensive. Only can be enjoyed once in a while. Sigh..
for italian cuisine ... i like Al Dente at Esplanade ... nice ambience at the second level .... great pasta with Sauvignon Blanc.

Another of my fave restaurant is Doc Chengs .... they serve fantastic Tenderloin ... and not forgetting equinox ... breath taking view of Singapore skyline.

Favourite roti prata ... Fong Seng ... behind NUS ... AlaMin bt timah is not bad also ... their Dinosaur is the best! Great venue to dine out after LAN gaming .... AND CLUBBING!!

Favourite high tea ... GRand hyatt for it's choco fountain and Rits carlton for smoked salmon ...

Favourite Japanese restarant ... ichiban Boshin Esplanade .... Suntec not bad also.

There's a restaurant that serves very good "Xi An" cuisine .... it's at circular road, behind boat quay. It's more finger licking good than KFC!

Favourite food from food courts includes .... beef noodles, minced meat noodle, hokkien mee, hor fun, mixed vege rice, prinjaws, sweet sour pork, vinegar pork legs, sambal kangkong.

Ok i think i am hogging a lot of air time .... sorry! Yummy! next please!
The Prata Place at Springlead road has good crispy pratas. And their chicken...hooboy, their chicken...*drool*
hi. im Bong Kak Song. I eat chicken rice bt i donno where got sell the best. I just eat. I like to eat. Chicken Rice i like. Like i chicken rice. Beef oso not bad.

Katong laksa in Toa Payoh Central, hidden behind the Baleno, near a pet shop..

Chilli crab from No Sign Board Seafood Restaurant!


Mixed Sausages at Arab Street. HEAVEN. <333333
Which your bro cook. LOL.

You NEVER come over my house. =) Okay lah next time. I promise. I won't cheat your feelings.

Okay back to the topic! LOCAL food ah.
Hao jian (Fried Oyster)..anywhere will do.. its nice
Lor Mee from telok blangah crescent market.
i like vegatables , fruits and i think that the things plp were forced to eat in fear factor is nice :twisted: