Fasten Your Seatbelts! 26th January 2008

Chaserr: I do! *cough*

Here goes!

Cardinal Avenue
Iron Buddha
Three Way Street
Withered Tree
West Grand Boulevard
Bad Obsession
A Vacant Affair

Different bands, different timings! ;)

The-LaughingMan: Hello! =)

rach, obviously u don't get what i mean, i already know that. its posted in ur "fasten ur seatbelts" flyers ur just merely copying, what i meant simply was the timings of the band playing at the gig? so i can roughly gauge which bands are playing at that point of time.
Heya Chaserr,

The bands are in the performance order. Cardinal Avenue kicks off at 2pm. Half an hour set give and take. However, the headliners, Caracal, West Grand Boulevard, Bad Obsession and A Vacant Affair each have 45 mins. If you really want to know the timing of a particluar band, drop me a message or something, gotta rush out now. =)

neuro182: Yep! Just flash your student card at the door while buying the tickets.
haha.. fack some random guy won that EPIPHONE.For those of u who stayed on to see ava, u shud know the guy wearing the superman shirt, damn hes irritating.enough is not enough.
blue superman guy.aiyer he's just wanting to fly and fly all the way through ava's set bt didnt make it far.
i guess he's just too heavy to be clark kent(did i spell his name right?).
i sweat lk fuk... running up n down lk fuk... but... haha i had fun with my stomach empty till the end of the day. hahaha! good job rach!! u shld noe hu am i. =D
haha.. fack some random guy won that EPIPHONE.For those of u who stayed on to see ava, u shud know the guy wearing the superman shirt, damn hes irritating.enough is not enough.

The dude with the superman shirt wasn't the worst. This other guy wearing some... Um brown shirt? The one doing flying kicks in mid air even when no one was around. I felt like grabbing him by the collar and slapping him. But no i don't want to get beaten up. Hee:)
Another thing is,

First time in my entire life I see two random photographers loitering around on stage DURING the performance itself to take pictures! And they actually stay on the stage for so long! Adding stage presence?
A while later a ladder even came out for the photographer to climb up to take pictures! On stage during the set itself!

It was kinda uncomfortable watching them.
lol. The photographers around are alright. But when i saw the ladder on stage i thought 'oh maybe some light bulb needs to be change.' but the next min i see a photographer climbing up to take a photo. Hahaha. During Bad Obsession's set right?
haha.yes.the "presence" of ladder was very funny.but it wud have been kewl if matt wud have went up the ladder & sang.haha.
but the crowd lah.must learn how to take care of each falling ontop of each other but others still moshing.i was so pissed i pushed one of the kids so i cud help pick up one guy behind him that was on the ground.sum of them were kung-fuing everywhere they didn't hav a care in the world.sheesh
yeah during bad obsession's set.

did u see this small sized girl who was being pushed around quite badly? and thrown to the ground somemore! at least that's what it looked like from where i was standing. my heart went out to her. can u imagine the pain?
photographers these days got no stage etiquette
Think the camera gives them the right to go everywhere..
saw one guy walk right across the centre of the stage just to change sides! cannot go by behind meh?

Then at Stasis a few weeks back plainsunset want to start song but cannot because a photographer is standing on top of their pedal board!
there's no walking space behind stage, and the photographers would have annoyed more people if they cut through the crowd.

Photographers like them, are meant to be this way, if not, can you give them some of your best position to shoot a good pic? The photographers can't take their photographs without getting into good positions, and almost the entire stagefront was already taken up by the crowd, which meant that the stage was ironically the only place the photographers could photograph from.

the truth of the matter is, organizers have to hire photographers to photograph the event for the sponsors, more to show the turnout than the bands themselves. photos of the bands are important, sure, but are of little purpose to the sponsors. what the sponsors want to see is that their money went to good use and that there were many people there, and the stage is where photographers are best able to get shots that included both the bands and the crowd
well personally as a performer in a band, I love photographers and all the crew. Do whatever you'd like if you can make us and our crowd look good! <3

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